Schema Summary |
Target Namespace:
Defined Components:
Default Namespace-Qualified Form:
Schema Location:
Imports Schemas (4):
Imported by Schemas (4):
All Element Summary |
Describes action taken to minimize loss of data from the collection event.
The date or date range of activity in this step.
Description of the method and mode of data collection in administering the pretest.
Describe additional resources required such as funding, staffing, or resource material.
Describes the aggregation method and the variables used in the aggregation process.
Identifies the independent and dependent variables used in the aggregation process.
Reference to an existing AggregationVariables using the Reference structure.
Method to determine how the sample should be allocated/distributed (Source: US Census Metadata Standard document)
Information on the command used to generate an alternative means of determining sequence changes.
Provides sample stage level details where needed.
Reference to an existing AssignedVariable using the Reference structure.
An image associated with the Instruction, located at the provided URN or URL.
Allows attachment of a secondary response domain to a specific item within another response domain used in the question.
Description of information within the frame that could support stratification, including listing of available fields.
The sample that was the basis for the weighting.
A response domain capturing a category (without an attached code) response for a question item.
Defines one or more cells by defining the applicable values of each dimension as "all values", a "specific value" or a range.
Provides for the addition of a label within a cell or cells of the grid.
A generic operation description used to describe a cleaning operation.
A response domain capturing a coded response (where both codes and their related category value are displayed) for a question item.
A substitution for DevelopmentActivity which requires no additional information other than the specification of the type of cognitive expert review taking place for development purposes.
A substitution for DevelopmentActivity which requires no additional information other than the specification of the type of content review taking place for development purposes.
Information on a specific data collection event
Name of the Collection Event using the DDI Name structure.
Describes the situation in which the data collection event takes place.
A reference to a previously created sample that was used as a component of the current sample.
A form of control construct providing a code and assigning a variable to hold value of the code as used for computation in control construct flow.
A substitution for TextContent, contains command code or source of the dynamic (changing) text.
The conditions under which the output of the step is accepted.
Information on the command used for determining if the conditions have been met to continue the given activity.
Name of the Construct using the DDI Name structure.
Describes the ordering of Constructs when not otherwise indicated.
A reference to an organization and/or individual to contact for further information on this questionnaire development activity.
A substitution for DevelopmentActivity which requires no additional information other than the specification of the type of content review taking place for development purposes.
Provides the basic, extensible structure for control elements used in describing flow logic within the instrument.
Contains a group of ControlConstructs.
Name of the ControlConstructGroup using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an existing ControlConstructGroup using the Reference structure.
A reference to a control construct of any type.
A set of control constructs maintained by an agency and used in the instrument or computational instruction.
Name of the Control construct Scheme using the DDI Name structure.
A generic operation description used to describe a control operation.
Budget and funding information related to the development work.
Note that this is generally usable only with single valid response domain in grid.
Reference to an existing Organization or Individual using the Reference structure.
Describes the result of data appraisal activities as a response rate and sampling error.
DataCaptureDevelopment covers the development planning, process, and outcome for a partial or full data capture object (question, measurement, instrument, or control construct).
Name of the Data Capture Development using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to DataCaptureDevelopment covers the development planning, process, and outcome for a partial or full data capture object (question, measurement, instrument, or control construct).
A maintainable module containing information on activities related to data collection/capture and the processing required for the creation a data product.
Time period of this role.
Documents the intended frequency of data collection.
Methodologies pertaining to the overall data collection such as primary or secondary data collection, qualitative or quantitative methods, mixed method approaches, GPS capturing methods, methods for collecting data from hard to reach communities, etc.
Name of the Data Collection Module using the DDI Name structure.
Specification of the software used by the proprietary system.
Reference to an existing Organization or Individual using the Reference structure.
Describes the source of the data.
Date or date range when sample was drawn.
A response domain capturing a date or time response for a question item.
A response domain capturing the date time response for a question item.
Describe the debriefing process.
Reference to an existing Variable using the Reference structure.
Describe the desired outcomes of the development activity.
Size of the sample.
An abstract element serving as the head of a substitution group.
Describes a group of Development Activities for administrative or conceptual purposes, which may be hierarchical.
Name of the Development Activity Group using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an existing DevelopmentActivityGroup using the Reference structure.
A name for the Development Activity.
Reference to an existing DevelopmentActivity for inclusion in the scheme.
A set of development activities maintained by an agency, and used in the development, review, or creation of a question, measurement, data capture flow (control construct), or instrument.
Name of the Development Activity Scheme using the DDI Name structure.
Provides the order of process steps in development of the questionnaire including references to previously specified development activities as well as information on the persons and organizations involved in the process, the objects under development and the results of development activities.
A name for the DevelopmentImplementation.
Reference to the development implementation of a development plan for a specific set of development objects.
Structure a single Question which may contain one or more response domains (i.e., a list of valid category responses where if "Other" is indicated a text response can be used to specify the intent of "Other").
Describes the objectives of the development work.
Describes the set activities which should take place.
Name of the Development Plan using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to the set of development activities that should take place.
Separates the capture of development process results from the process plan and organization.
A name for the DevelopmentResults.
Reference to the capture of development process results from the process plan and organization.
A member of the ControlConstruct substitution group.
Describes any deviations from the planned sample design.
Describes the ordering of dimensions when not otherwise indicated.
Display text which supports the use of dynamic content.
A response domain capturing a distribution response for a question.
Identifies the value of the ResponseDomain to which the new ResponseDomain is attached by specifying its attachmentBase number of the target ResponseDomain in the attribute attachmentDomain.
Reference to an existing Construct using the Reference structure.
Use for multiple branching from a single point in the flow logic represented by the flow logic If, Then, ElseIf, Then, etc.
Use for multiple branching from a single point in the flow logic represented by the flow logic If, Then, ElseIf, Then, etc.
The conditional result which should be triggered if the associated condition is not met.
Information on the command used to generate the dynamic portion of a text field.
Description and link to the External Aid using the DDI Other Material structure.
Description and link to the External Information using the DDI Other Material structure.
A reference to an external representation of the data collection instrument, such as an image of a questionnaire or programming script.
Specification of an external interviewer instruction not structured in DDI.
Language in which the Instrument is fielded.
Provides for the ability to fix a value within a cell or cells of the grid.
A substitution for DevelopmentActivity which requires no additional information other than the specification of the type of Focus Group taking place for development purposes.
Description of general limitations of the frame, including over/under-coverage and update schedules and procedures.
Describes the minimum requirements of the frame needed to use this sample stage.
Processing instructions that pertain to data collection or data processing overall such as handling of non-response to questions, imputation practices, suppression rules, etc.
Reference to an existing GeneralInstruction using the Reference structure.
Processing instructions for recodes, derivations from multiple question or variable sources, and derivations based on external sources.
Reference to an existing GenerationInstruction using the Reference structure.
A response domain capturing a geographic coordinate reading as a response for a question item.
A response domain capturing the name or code of a Geographic Location as a response for a question item.
A response domain capturing a geographic structure code as a response for a question item.
Identifies the cell or cells in a grid to which the item is attached by a reference to a specific cell coordinate in a grid or by identifying a range of values along a dimension.
Describes each dimension of the grid including dimension rank (for the purpose of identifying a cell address), a text for the dimension, and optional labels and codes used as column and row stubs.
Designates the response domain and the cells using the specified response domain within a QuestionGrid.
Information on the command used to determine whether the "If" condition is met.
A member of the ControlConstruct substitution group.
Describes an if-then-else decision type for conditional text.
Reference to an existing Variable using the Reference structure.
Information on the command used to set the initial value for the process.
Reference to a measurement used in the derivation or coding instruction.
Reference to a question used in the derivation or coding instruction.
Reference to a variable used in the derivation or coding instruction.
Provides the content and description of a single instruction.
Allows attachment of an instruction to a specific item in a question structure.
Contains a group of Instructions.
Name of the InstructionGroup using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an existing InstructionGroup using the Reference structure.
Name of the Instruction using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an individual instruction.
The content of the Instruction text provided using DynamicText.
Defines the type of instrument used for data collection or capture.
Describes a group of instruments for administrative or conceptual purposes, which may be hierarchical.
Name of the Instrument Group using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an existing InstrumentGroup using the Reference structure.
Name of the Instrument using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an existing Instrument using the Reference structure.
Describes a set of instruments maintained by an agency.
Name of the Instrument Scheme using the DDI Name structure.
Documents the intended frequency of data collection, for example monthly, yearly, weekly, etc., preferably using an optional controlled vocabulary.
The survey population is the set of elements identified by the frame.
A description of the population that the survey is intended to question (i.e.
Reference to an interviewer instruction expressed as DDI XML plus a flag to designate whether the instruction should always be displayed.
A set of interviewer instructions to be displayed within the instrument, such as definitions, and explanations of terminology and questions.
Name of the Interviewer Instruction Scheme using the DDI Name structure.
Describes the types of sequences that can be used for a set of items.
A substitution for TextContent containing the static (unchanging) text.
A response domain capturing a location response (mark on an image, recording, or object) for a question.
A control construct describing an action which loops until a limiting condition is met.
Reference to an existing Variable using the Reference structure.
Information on the command used to determine whether the "LoopWhile" condition is met.
A construct which ties measurement content to the programmatic logic of the control constructs.
Contains a group of MeasurementItems, which may be ordered or hierarchical.
Name of the MeasurementGroup using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an existing MeasurementGroup using the Reference structure.
Structure a single Measurement which may contain one or more response domains (i.e., a list of valid category responses where if "Other" is indicated a text response can be used to specify the intent of "Other").
Intent of the Measurement.
Name of the Measurement Item using the DDI Name structure.
Contains a set of MeasurementItems and MeasurementGroups.
Name of the MeasurementScheme using the DDI Name structure.
Describes the method of pretest administration using a controlled vocabulary and description.
Specifies the type of delivery method used to distribute the pretest form.
Metadata regarding the methodologies used concerning data collection, determining the timing and repetition patterns for data collection, and sampling procedures.
Name of the Methodology using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to Methodology covers approaches used for selecting samples, administering surveys or data collection approaches, timing repeated data collection activities, weighting, and quality control.
Identifies the language and the individuals ability to read, write, and speak the designated language using a controlled vocabulary.
A response domain capturing the missing value response for a question item.
Describes the mode of collection, i.e., paper questionnaire, observation, web delivered questionnaire, computer assisted interview, automated data harvesting, etc.
Describes the mode of pretest data collection using a controlled vocabulary and description.
Defines the cells within the grid that contain the specified content.
A response domain capturing a nominal (check off) response for a question grid response.
The number of responses within the specified sample.
Indicate the number of units of the UnitType specified.
A response domain capturing a numeric response (the intent is to analyze the response as a number) for a question item
A response domain capturing the numeric response for a question item.
A citation or URI for the source of the data.
A URN or URL for the data source.
Description of any other appraisal process used.
Size of the full sample.
The target value of the sample size for the primary and any secondary or sub-population.
Reference to an existing Generation or General Instruction using the Reference structure.
Describe any special or specific requirements for participating staff.
Describe the population through a combination of textual description and reference to a structured Universe.
Identifies the language and the individuals ability to read, write, and speak the designated language using a controlled vocabulary.
A description of the overall prerequisites for completing this Development Processing Step.
Specifies the details for performing a pretest of a set of questions or questionnaire.
Description of the method and mode of data collection in administering the pretest.
The sample size of the primary or full population included in this sample.
ProcessingEvent can contain a number of operations of different types to express a range of events that occur together.
Describes a group of processing events for administrative or conceptual purposes, which may be hierarchical.
Name of the Processing Event Group using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an existing ProcessingEventGroup using the Reference structure.
Name of the Processing Event Group using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an existing ProcessingEvent using the Reference structure.
A set of processing events maintained by an agency, and used in the processing data during development, cleaning, converting to variables, aggregating, and comparing.
Name of the Processing Event Scheme using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to a ProcessingEventScheme using SchemeReference which allows for the specification of objects to exclude.
Substitution group head for types of processing instruction.
Describes a group of processing instructions for administrative or conceptual purposes, which may be hierarchical.
Name of the Processing Instruction Group using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an existing ProcessingInstructionGroup using the Reference structure.
A set of Processing Instructions (General and Generation Instructions) maintained by an agency.
Name of the Processing Instruction using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to a ProcessingInstructionScheme using SchemeReference which allows for the specification of objects to exclude.
Summarize the process the activity should follow to meet desired outcomes.
A QuestionBlock is a specific structure used in educational and other types of testing where an object (Stimulus Material) is provided and a set of questions are asked regarding the object.
Intent of the Question Block/ Supports multiple language versions of the same content as well as optional formatting of the content.
Name of the Question Block using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an existing QuestionBlock using the Reference structure.
A construct which ties question content to the programmatic logic of the control constructs.
Structures the QuestionGrid as an NCube-like structure providing dimension information, labeling options, and response domains attached to one or more cells within the grid.
Name of the Question Grid using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an existing QuestionGrid using the Reference structure.
Contains a group of Questions, which may be ordered or hierarchical.
Name of the Question Group using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an existing QuestionGroup using the Reference structure.
Intent of the Question.
Structure a single Question which may contain one or more response domains (i.e., a list of valid category responses where if "Other" is indicated a text response can be used to specify the intent of "Other").
Name of the Question Item using the DDI Name structure.
Reference to an existing QuestionItem using the Reference structure.
Contains a set of QuestionItems, QuestionGrids, QuestionBlocks, and QuestionGroups.
Name of the Question Scheme using the DDI Name structure.
Describes the ordering of questions when not otherwise indicated.
Question text which supports the use of dynamic content.
A response domain capturing a ranking response which supports a "ranking" of categories.
Reference to an existing SampleFrame using the Reference structure.
Specify requirements for type of staffing needed to complete activity.
Describe the process to be used for staff recruitment in this class.
The date/period of reference for this frame using the Date structure.
A ControlConstruct that specifies a ControlConstruct to be repeated until a specified condition is met.
A ControlConstruct that specifies a ControlConstruct to be repeated while a specified condition is met.
Description of whether specific requirements for the activities providing these results were met.
Reference to the resource object used by this development step.
The use of the resource within the DevelopmentProcessingStep.
Existing resources used in the process step.
Allows attachment of a secondary response domain to a specific item within another response domain used in the question grid.
An abstract element serving as the head of a substitution group.
A structure that provides both the response domain and information on how it should be attached, or related, to other specified response domains in the question.
An abstract base for the substitution group ResponseDomainReference.
A specific rate of response and/or a description of the rate of response for a specific processing event that includes data appraisal.
Describes the ordering of response options when not otherwise indicated.
Response text which supports the use of dynamic content.
Provides a means of bundling multiple language versions of the same intended dynamic text together.
A brief textual description or classification of the intended response unit/respondent.
Reference to an Organization or Individual responsible for this step.
Reference to an existing Organization or Individual using the Reference structure.
Details of specific results of the development plan and process.
The date or date range of obtaining results from the development work.
A roster is an unlabeled list of numbered rows or columns depending upon orientation.
Describes a sample created by the implementation of a sample plan.
An inline description of a sample frame (the source material from which a sample is drawn), i.e. phone book, data base, etc.
Provides full description of access, forms for access, contact, etc.
A name for the SampleFrame using the NameType structure.
Reference to an existing SampleFrame using the Reference structure.
A reference to the SampleFrame used for creating the sample.
A reference to a description of the sample and its location using OtherMaterialType.
A name for the Sample using the NameType structure.
A reference to a sample.
The size of the sample from whom data was requested.
Reference to the General or GenerationInstruction containing the formula or instruction used to determine sample size.
A ControlConstruct that provides a specialized act for generating a sample.
Description of the sampling error.
A grouping of Sampling Information objects for administrative purposes.
A name for the sampling information group using the Name structure.
Reference to an existing SamplingInformationGroup using the Reference structure.
A set of sampling information maintained by an agency including sampling plans, sample frames, and samples.
A name for the sampling information scheme using the NameType structure.
An inline description of a sampling plan (how the sample is drawn).
A reference to the SamplingPlan implemented to creating the sample.
A name for a sampling plan using NameType.
Reference to an existing SamplingPlan.
Describes the type of sample, sample design and provides details on drawing the sample.
A ControlConstruct that provides a sequence order within Sampling Stages expressed as control constructs.
Reference to an existing SamplingStage using the Reference structure.
Reference to a unit type describing the sample's.
A response domain capturing a scale response which describes a 1..n dimensional scale of various display types for a question.
A response domain capturing the scale response for a question item.
The sample size of any secondary or sub-populations included in this sample.
For each dimension in the grid define the applicable values as "all values", a "specific value" or a range.
If known and available, provide the selection probability for each sampling unit.
A ControlConstruct that provides a sequence order for operations expressed as control constructs.
A characteristic of the source data.
A description of the data source.
Reference to an existing SourceFrame using the Reference structure.
A brief textual description of the type of data source.
The SpecificCellCoordinate expressed as an xs:string.
The specific rate of response expressed as a percent.
A member of the ControlConstruct substitution group.
A member of the ControlConstruct substitution group.
Splits take a stage and divide the frame at that stage into subsets.
Specify the class of the staff participating in the activity.
Provides an identified value for a standard weight expressed as an xs:float.
Provides the standard weight used for weighted analysis of data expressed as an xs:float.
A textual statement used in the Instrument.
Information on the command used to set the incremental or step value for the process.
Description and link to the StimulusMaterial using the DDI Other Material structure.
A strata within a sample frame stratification.
A distinct "strata" within a population used to define a group to be sampled within that population, for example an Income Level or Postal Code.
Describe the purpose for stratifying the sample frame prior to sampling.
Contains a mixture of response domains for the grid cells.
A structure to allow for mixing multiple response domains in a single question.
The desired sample size for this particular sample plan express in relation to its strata number if relevant.
The static portion of the text expressed as a StructuredString with the ability to preserve whitespace if critical to the understanding of the content.
Abstract type existing as the head of a substitution group.
A response domain capturing a textual response.
A response domain capturing the text response for a question item.
Reference to an existing Construct using the Reference structure.
The conditional result which should be triggered if the associated condition is met.
Describes the time method or time dimension of the data collection.
A substitution for DevelopmentActivity which describes the specifics of translation.
Describes available aids for translation typed by a controlled vocabulary and supporting a description and resource identification where appropriate.
Provides a reference to the translation aid resource using the structure of OtherMaterial.
Describes the method of translation required through use of a controlled vocabulary and description.
Provides a detailed description of the requirements for an acceptable translation and indicate if the translation should be oral and/or written.
Identifies the language and the individuals ability to read, write, and speak the designated language using a controlled vocabulary as minimum and preferred requirements.
Identifies the language and the individuals ability to read, write, and speak the designated language using a controlled vocabulary as minimum and preferred requirements.
Details requirements for the translator in terms of language ability for reading, speaking, and writing the source and target languages.
A brief textual description or classification of the actions taken to minimum data loss.
Specifies the type of additional data used.
Specifies the type of administration method used.
Identifies the specific type of content review such as Focus Group, Cognitive Review, etc.
Identifies the specific type of Cognitive Interview.
A brief textual description or classification of the collection situation.
A brief textual description or classification of the ComputationItem.
Identifies the specific type of content review.
A brief textual description of the type of group created to associate a number of ControlConstructs.
A brief textual description or classification of the type of data collection methodology.
A brief textual description of the type of group created to associate a number of Development Activities.
A brief textual description or classification of the deviation from sample design.
Identifies the specific type of Focus Group.
A brief textual description or classification of the IfThenElse.
A brief textual description of the type of group created to associate a number of Instructions.
A brief textual description of the type of instrument being described primarily for classification purposes.
A brief textual description of the type of group created to associate a number of instruments.
A brief textual description of the type of group created to associate a number of MeasurementItem.
A brief term defining the type of MeasurementItem.
A brief textual description or classification of the mode of data collection.
Specifies the type of data collection mode used for the pretest.
A brief textual description of the type of group created to associate a number of processing events.
A brief textual description of the type of group created to associate a number of processing instructions.
A brief textual description of the type of group created to associate a number of question items, question grids, and/or question blocks.
Identifies the specific type of result.
Identifies the specific type of resource used.
Identifies the specific type of result.
A brief textual description or classification of the type of sample used.
A generic element for specifying a reason for a sampling information group using the CodeValueType structure.
A controlled vocabulary covering probability and non-probability sampling plans and modeling approaches using CodeValueType.
A brief textual description or classification of the type of sampling procedure used.
A brief textual description of the purpose of type of sequence.
A brief textual description or classification of the type of the time methodology used.
Specifies the type of translation aid used.
Specifies the type of translation method used.
A brief textual description or classification of the type of weighting process used.
A brief textual description or classification of the type of weighting methodology.
Describes the number and type of units within a sample frame.
Information on the command used to determine whether the "Until" condition is met.
Reference to an existing Construct using the Reference structure.
Describes how this frame gets updated.
Provide relevant illustrations of the use of the weights described produced in the weighting process.
A guide to the appropriate usage of the weights generated by the processing event.
Recommend best practices for the use of the weights described produced in the weighting process.
Note specific rules or restrictions for use.
Period for which the current version of the parent object is valid using the Date structure.
Describes the weighting used in the process.
A basic structure for describing the methodology used for weighting.
A reference to the methodology used for the weighting process.
Reference to a description of the weighting process and any resultant standard weights.
Information on the command used to determine whether the "While" condition is met.
Reference to an existing Construct using the Reference structure.
Complex Type Summary |
Describes action taken to minimize loss of data from the collection event.
Description of the method and mode of data collection in administering the pretest.
Describes the aggregation method and the variables used in the aggregation process.
Identifies the independent and dependent variables used in the aggregation process.
Provides sample stage level details where needed.
Allows attachment of a response domain to a specific item in a code or category scheme.
A response domain capturing a category (without an attached code) response for a question item.
Defines one or more cells by defining the applicable values of each dimension as "all values", a "specific value" or a range.
Provide a label to be included inside of a grid cell and defines the cell or cells that contain it.
A response domain capturing a coded response (where both codes and their related category value are displayed) for a question.
A substitution for DevelopmentActivity which requires no additional information other than the specification of the type of cognitive expert review taking place for development purposes.
A substitution for DevelopmentActivity which requires no additional information other than the specification of the type of cognitive interview review taking place for development purposes.
Information on a specific data collection event including details on who was involved in data collection, the source of the data, the date and frequency of collection, mode of collection, identification of the instrument used for collection, information on the actual situation under which data was collected, actions taken to minimize loss of data, and reference to a quality standard or statement regarding the handling of the data collection process during this event.
Describes the situation in which the data collection event takes place.
A form of control construct providing a code and assigning a variable to hold value of the code as used for computation in control construct flow.
The text resulting from the conditional command.
Text which has a changeable value depending on a stated condition, response to earlier questions, or as input from a set of metrics (pre-supplied data).
A substitution for DevelopmentActivity which requires no additional information other than the specification of the type of content review taking place for development purposes.
Contains a group of ControlConstructs, which may describe an ordered or hierarchical relationship structure.
A set of control constructs maintained by an agency and used in the instrument or computational instruction.
Provides the basic, extensible structure for control elements used in describing flow logic within the instrument.
Budget and funding information related to the development work.
Note that this is generally usable only with single valid response domain in grid.
Describes the result of data appraisal activities as a response rate and sampling error.
Data capture development covers the development planning, process, and outcome for a partial or full questionnaire.
Documents the intended frequency of data collection, for example monthly, yearly, weekly, etc., preferably using an optional controlled vocabulary in the IntendedFrequency element.
Methodologies pertaining to the overall data collection such as primary or secondary data collection, qualitative or quantitative methods, mixed method approaches, GPS capturing methods, methods for collecting data from hard to reach communities, etc.
A maintainable module containing information on activities related to data collection/capture and the processing required for the creation a data product.
Describes the source of the data.
A response domain capturing a date or time response for a question item.
Describe the debriefing process.
Describes a group of Development Activities for administrative or conceptual purposes, which may be hierarchical.
A set of Development Activities maintained by an agency, and used in defining the development of a data capture object.
An abstract element serving as the head of a substitution group.
Provides a name, label and description for the Development Implementation and lists the individual development activities which should take place.
A description of the development objects of a Development Implementation or Development Step.
Provides a name, label and description for the Development Plan and lists the individual development activities which should take place.
Separates the capture of development implementation results from the process plan and general activities.
A member of the ControlConstruct substitution group.
Describes any deviations from the planned sample design.
A response domain capturing a distribution response for a question item.
Abstract type for the head of a substitution group that allows for the use of a response domain by reference.
Identifies the value of the ResponseDomain to which the new ResponseDomain is attached by specifying its attachmentBase number of the target ResponseDomain in the attribute attachmentDomain.
Structure supporting the use of dynamic text, where portions of the textual contend change depending on external information (pre-loaded data, response to an earlier query, environmental situations, etc.).
Use for multiple branching from a single point in the flow logic represented by the flow logic If, Then, ElseIf, Then, etc.
Use for multiple branching from a single point in the flow logic represented by the flow logic If, Then, ElseIf, Then, etc.
Description and link to the External Aid using the DDI Other Material structure.
Description and link to the External Information using the DDI Other Material structure.
Specification of an external interviewer instruction not structured in DDI.
Provides the ability to fix the value of a grid cell and defines the cell or cells.
A substitution for DevelopmentActivity which requires no additional information other than the specification of the type of Focus Group taking place for development purposes.
Processing instructions that pertain to data collection or data processing overall such as handling of non-response to questions, imputation practices, suppression rules, etc.
Processing instructions for recodes, derivations from multiple question or variable sources, and derivations based on external sources.
Structures the response domain for a geographic point to ensure collection of relevant information.
A response domain capturing the name or code of a Geographic Location as a response for a question item.
A response domain capturing a geographic structure code as a response for a question item.
Identifies the cell or cells in a grid to which the item is attached by a reference to a specific cell coordinate in a grid or by identifying a range of values along a dimension.
Describes each dimension of the grid including dimension rank (for the purpose of identifying a cell address), a text for the dimension, and optional labels and codes used as column and row stubs.
Designates the response domain and the cells using the specified response domain within a QuestionGrid.
Describes an if-then-else decision type for conditional text.
A member of the ControlConstruct substitution group.
Allows attachment of an instruction to a specific item in a question structure.
Contains a group of Instructions, which may describe an ordered or hierarchical relationship structure.
Provides the content and description of a single instruction.
Describes a group of instruments for administrative or conceptual purposes, which may be hierarchical.
Describes a set of instruments maintained by an agency.
Defines the type of instrument used for data collection or capture.
Reference to an interviewer instruction expressed as DDI XML plus a flag to designate whether the instruction should always be displayed.
A set of interviewer instructions to be displayed within the instrument, such as definitions, and explanations of terminology and questions.
Describes both minimum and preferred language abilities sought for the translation work as a set of source and target language requirements.
Literal (static) text to be used in the instrument using the StructuredString structure plus an attribute allowing for the specification of white space to be preserved.
A response domain capturing a location response (mark on an image, recording, or object) for a question.
A member of the control construct substitution group.
A construct which ties measurement content to the programmatic logic of the control constructs.
Contains a group of MeasurementItem, which may be ordered or hierarchical.
Structure a single Measurement which may contain one or more response domains (i.e., a list of valid category responses where if "Other" is indicated a text response can be used to specify the intent of "Other").
Contains a set of MeasurementItems and MeasurementGroups.
Describes the method of pretest administration using a controlled vocabulary and description.
Metadata regarding the methodologies used concerning data collection, determining the timing and repetition patterns for data collection, and sampling procedures.
Describes the mode of collection, i.e., paper questionnaire, observation, web delivered questionnaire, computer assisted interview, automated data harvesting, etc.
Describes available aids for translation typed by a controlled vocabulary and a description.
A response domain capturing a nominal (check off) response for a question grid response.
A response domain capturing a numeric response (the intent is to analyze the response as a number) for a question.
A generic operation description used as a type by specified operations.
A citation or URI for the source of the data.
The target value of the sample size for the primary and any secondary or sub-population.
Describe the population through a combination of textual description and reference to a structured Universe.
A substitution for DevelopmentActivity which specifies the details for performing a pretest of a set of questions or questionnaire.
Description of the method and mode of data collection in administering the pretest.
Describes a group of processing events for administrative or conceptual purposes, which may be hierarchical.
A set of processing events maintained by an agency, and used in the processing data during development, cleaning, converting to variables, aggregating, and comparing.
ProcessingEvent can contain a number of operations of different types to express a range of events that occur together.
Describes a group of processing instructions for administrative or conceptual purposes, which may be hierarchical.
A set of Processing Instructions (General and Generation Instructions) maintained by an agency.
Substitution group head for types of processing instruction.
A QuestionBlock is a specific structure used in educational and other types of testing where an object (Stimulus Material) is provided and a set of questions are asked regarding the object.
A member of the ControlConstruct substitution group.
Structures the QuestionGrid as an NCube-like structure providing dimension information, labeling options, and response domains attached to one or more cells within the grid.
Contains a group of Questions, which may be ordered or hierarchical.
Structure a single Question which may contain one or more response domains (i.e., a list of valid category responses where if "Other" is indicated a text response can be used to specify the intent of "Other").
Contains a set of QuestionItems, QuestionGrids, QuestionBlocks, and QuestionGroups.
Describes the ordering of questions when not otherwise indicated.
Serves as a common extension base for different forms of Questions
A response domain capturing a ranking response which supports a "ranking" of categories.
Specify requirements for type of staffing needed to complete activity including the class of staff participating in the activity, requirements for those participants, and the recruitment process.
A member of the ControlConstruct substitution group.
A member of the ControlConstruct substitution group.
Description of whether specific requirements for the activities providing these results were met.
Provides a name, label and description for the Development Process and lists the individual development activities which should take place.
A structure that provides both the response domain and information on how it should be attached, or related, to other specified response domains in the question.
A specific rate of response and/or a description of the rate of response for a specific processing event that includes data appraisal.
Provides a means of bundling multiple language versions of the same intended dynamic text together.
Details of specific results of the development plan and process.
A roster is an unlabeled list of numbered rows or columns depending upon orientation.
An inline description of a sample frame (the source material from which a sample is drawn), i.e. phone book, data base, etc.
A ControlConstruct that provides a specialized act for generating a sample.
Describes a sample created by the implementation of a sample plan.
A grouping of Sampling Information objects for administrative purposes.
A set of sampling information maintained by an agency including sampling plans, sample frames, and samples.
An inline description of a sampling plan (how the sample is drawn).
Describes a sampling procedure.
A ControlConstruct that provides a sequence order within Sampling Stages expressed as control constructs.
A response domain capturing a scale response which describes a 1..n dimensional scale of various display types for a question item.
For each dimension in the grid define the applicable values as "all values", a "specific value" or a range.
A member of the ControlConstruct substitution group.
Consists of an integer value and specification of the unit.
Reference to an input used in the derivation or coding instruction.
Describes the ordering of items when not otherwise indicated.
A member of the ControlConstruct substitution group.
A member of the ControlConstruct substitution group.
Provides an identified value for a standard weight expressed as an xs:float.
A textual statement used in the Instrument.
Description and link to the StimulusMaterial using the DDI Other Material structure.
Describe the purpose for stratifying your sample frame prior to sampling.
Describe all stratifications here.
Contains a mixture of response domains for the grid cells.
A structure to allow for mixing multiple response domains in a single question.
The desired sample size for this particular sample plan express in relation to its strata number if relevant.
Abstract type existing as the head of a substitution group.
The static portion of the text expressed as a StructuredString with the ability to preserve whitespace if critical to the understanding of the content.
Describes the time method or time dimension of the data collection.
A substitution for DevelopmentActivity which describes the specifics of translation, looking at source and target languages, aids available for translation, and translator requirements regarding language ability and method of translation.
Provides a reference to the translation aid resource using the structure of OtherMaterial.
Describes available aids for translation typed by a controlled vocabulary and supporting a description and resource identification where appropriate.
Describes both minimum and preferred language abilities sought for the translation work as a set of source and target language requirements.
Provides a detailed description of the requirements for an acceptable translation and indicate if the translation should be oral and/or written.
Describes both minimum and preferred language abilities sought for the translation work as a set of source and target language requirements.
A guide to the appropriate usage of the weights generated by the processing event.
A basic structure for describing the methodology used for weighting.
Describes the weighting used in the process.
Simple Type Summary |
Clarifies how stimulus material is to be handled within the resequencing using a controlled vocabulary.
Describes the types of sequences that can be used for a set of items.
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