element <Citation> (global)
complex, 11 elements
globally in reusable.xsd; see XML source
at 10 locations
XML Representation Summary
Content model elements (11):
AlternateTitle, Contributor, Copyright, Creator, InternationalIdentifier, Language, PublicationDate, Publisher, SubTitle, Title, dc:any
Included in content model of elements (20):
AuthorizedSource, BudgetDocument, Collection, DDIInstance, ExternalAid, ExternalInformation, ExternalInterviewerInstruction, Group, Item, LocalGroupContent, LocalResourcePackageContent, LocalStudyUnitContent, Origin, OtherMaterial, PhysicalInstance, ResourcePackage, StandardUsed, StimulusMaterial, StudyUnit, SubGroup
May contain elements by substitutions (48):
contributor, coverage, creator, date, dc:abstract, dc:accessRights, dc:alternative, dc:audience, dc:available, dc:bibliographicCitation, dc:conformsTo, dc:created, dc:dateAccepted, dc:dateCopyrighted, dc:dateSubmitted, dc:educationLevel, dc:extent, dc:hasFormat, dc:hasPart, dc:hasVersion, dc:isFormatOf, dc:isPartOf, dc:isReferencedBy, dc:isReplacedBy, dc:isRequiredBy, dc:isVersionOf, dc:issued, dc:mediator, dc:medium, dc:modified, dc:references, dc:replaces, dc:requires, dc:spatial, dc:tableOfContents, dc:temporal, dc:valid, description, format, identifier, language, publisher, relation, rights, source, subject, title, type
Known Usage Locations
Provides a bibliographic citation using a DDI structure that maps to Dublin Core objects. No object is required in order to support production processes. It is strongly recommended that at minimum a Title be provided. A full set of Qualified Dublin Core descriptor may be provided following the DDI Citation elements. Dublin Core elements should supplement rather than substitute for the DDI Citation elements.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element name="Citation" type="CitationType"/>

XML schema documentation generated with DocFlex/XML RE 1.9.0 using DocFlex/XML XSDDoc 2.8.0 template set