XML Schema "comparative.xsd"
Target Namespace:
Defined Components:
elements (27 global + 3 local), complexTypes (7), simpleTypes (1)
Default Namespace-Qualified Form:
Local Elements: qualified; Local Attributes: unqualified
Schema Location:
D:\XMLSchema\DDI\DDI_3_2_2014-02-05_Documentation_XMLSchema\XMLSchema\comparative.xsd; see XML source
Imports Schemas (2):
datacollection.xsd [src], reusable.xsd [src]
Imported by Schemas (2):
group.xsd [src], instance.xsd [src]
All Element Summary
Maps the content of two different category schemes of objects of the same type providing detail for the comparable items within those two schemes.
complex, 6 attributes, 18 elements
globally; see XML source
Reference to an existing CategoryMap using the Reference structure.
complex, 7 attributes, 6 elements
globally; see XML source
Commonality of the compared objects provided using a StructuredString to support multiple language versions of the same content as well as optional formatting of the content.
complex, 1 element
globally; see XML source
A brief description describing the commonality of the two schemes/items, i.e., "Identical", "High", "Medium", "Low", "None".
simple, 7 attributes
globally; see XML source
A value between 0 and 1 expressing the degree of commonality (0 indicates none, 1 indicates that they are identical).
locally within CorrespondenceType complexType; see XML source
A maintainable module containing maps between objects of the same or similar type.
complex, 9 attributes, 28 elements
globally; see XML source
Name of the Comparison using the DDI Name structure.
complex, 2 attributes, 1 element
globally; see XML source
Maps the content of two different concept schemes of objects of the same type providing detail for the comparable items within those two schemes.
complex, 6 attributes, 18 elements
globally; see XML source
Reference to an existing ConceptMap using the Reference structure.
complex, 7 attributes, 6 elements
globally; see XML source
Describes the commonalities and differences between two items.
complex, 5 elements
globally; see XML source
Maps two items of the same type within the Source and Target Schemes identified.
complex, 6 attributes, 10 elements
globally; see XML source
Name of the Map using the DDI Name structure.
complex, 2 attributes, 1 element
globally; see XML source
Maps the content of two different question schemes of objects of the same type providing detail for the comparable items within those two schemes.
complex, 6 attributes, 18 elements
globally; see XML source
Reference to an existing QuestionMap using the Reference structure.
complex, 7 attributes, 6 elements
globally; see XML source
Reference to an existing Concept, Variable, Question, Category, Representation, or Universe Map using the Reference structure.
complex, 7 attributes, 6 elements
globally; see XML source
Maps between any managed representation and a coded representation.
complex, 7 attributes, 18 elements
globally; see XML source
Name of the Representation Map using the DDI Name structure.
complex, 2 attributes, 1 element
globally; see XML source
Reference to a mapping between any two managed representations using the Reference structure.
complex, 7 attributes, 6 elements
globally; see XML source
Reference to an CodeList using the Reference structure.
complex, 7 attributes, 6 elements
globally; see XML source
The ID of the source object in the source scheme already identified.
simple, 1 attribute
locally within ItemMapType complexType; see XML source
Provides a reference to the managed content of a representation which acts as the source object in the Source/Target comparison pair.
complex, 6 elements
globally; see XML source
Reference to any Scheme using SchemeReference which allows for the specification of objects to exclude.
complex, 7 attributes, 7 elements
globally; see XML source
Reference to a CodeList using the Reference structure.
complex, 7 attributes, 6 elements
globally; see XML source
The ID of the target object in the target scheme already identified.
simple, 1 attribute
locally within ItemMapType complexType; see XML source
Provides a reference to the managed content of a representation which acts as the target object in the Source/Target comparison pair.
complex, 6 elements
globally; see XML source
Reference to any Scheme using SchemeReference which allows for the specification of objects to exclude.
complex, 7 attributes, 7 elements
globally; see XML source
Maps the content of two different universe schemes of objects of the same type providing detail for the comparable items within those two schemes.
complex, 6 attributes, 18 elements
globally; see XML source
Reference to an existing UniverseMap using the Reference structure.
complex, 7 attributes, 6 elements
globally; see XML source
Maps the content of two different variable schemes of objects of the same type providing detail for the comparable items within those two schemes.
complex, 6 attributes, 18 elements
globally; see XML source
Reference to an existing VariableMap using the Reference structure.
complex, 7 attributes, 6 elements
globally; see XML source
Complex Type Summary
A maintainable module containing maps between objects of the same or similar type.
complex, 9 attributes, 28 elements
globally; see XML source
definitions of 15 elements
Describes the commonalities and differences between two items using a textual description of both commonalities and differences plus an optional coding of the type of commonality, a commonality expresses as a 0 to 1 weighting factor (expressing degree of comparability) and a user defined correspondence property which is specific to an organization or community of use.
complex, 5 elements
globally; see XML source
definitions of 5 elements
Maps the content of two different schemes of objects of the same type providing detail for the comparable items within those two schemes.
complex, 6 attributes, 18 elements
globally; see XML source
definitions of 7 elements
Maps two items of the same type within the Source and Target Schemes identified.
complex, 6 attributes, 10 elements
globally; see XML source
definitions of 1 attribute, 4 elements
Maps between any two managed representations.
complex, 7 attributes, 18 elements
globally; see XML source
definitions of 1 attribute, 7 elements
Provides a reference to the managed content of a representation which may be a ManagedRepresentation or a specific CodeList, GeographicRepresentation, or GeographicLocation.
complex, 6 elements
globally; see XML source
definitions of 6 elements
Provides a reference to a codified representation.
complex, 6 elements
globally; see XML source
definitions of 6 elements
Simple Type Summary
A value between 0 and 1 expressing the degree of commonality (0 indicates none, 1 indicates that they are identical).
globally; see XML source
XML Source
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Copyright (c) 2014 DDI Alliance, DDI 3.2 release, 2014-02-05

This file is part of DDI 3.2 XML Schema.

DDI 3.2 XML Schema is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.

DDI 3.2 XML Schema is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
with DDI 3.2 XML Schema. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="ddi:comparative:3_2" xmlns="ddi:comparative:3_2" xmlns:d="ddi:datacollection:3_2" xmlns:r="ddi:reusable:3_2" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xs:import namespace="ddi:datacollection:3_2" schemaLocation="datacollection.xsd"/>
<xs:import namespace="ddi:reusable:3_2" schemaLocation="reusable.xsd"/>
<xs:element name="Comparison" type="ComparisonType">
A maintainable module containing maps between objects of the same or similar type. Maps allow for pair-wise mapping of two objects by describing their similarities and differences in order to make assertions regarding their comparability. Currently maps allow for the comparison of concepts, variables, questions, categories, universes, and representations that have managed content (code, category, numeric, text, datetime and scale).
<xs:complexType name="ComparisonType">
A maintainable module containing maps between objects of the same or similar type. Maps allow for pair-wise mapping of two objects by describing their similarities and differences in order to make assertions regarding their comparability. Currently maps allow for the comparison of concepts, variables, questions, categories, universes, and representations that have managed content (code, category, numeric, text, datetime and scale). These mapping(s) inform users on the comparability of two objects and facilitate automation. Note that all maps are pairwise, identifying two schemes and the correlation between two items in those schemes. Due to the complexity of some objects, multiple mappings may be required to cover details of the comparison of component parts, e.g. a QuestionMap may also have a related RepresentationMap. By using a set of pairwise comparisons, it is possible to describe complex correspondences - pairwise comparisons are easier to process. In addition to providing a standard name, label, and description, Comparison consists of a simple stack of comparison maps. Comparison maps are currently limited to those objects that can be referenced and are sufficiently structured to support a clear comparison.
<xs:extension base="r:MaintainableType">
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="ComparisonName">
A name for the comparison. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat the element to express names with different content, for example different names for different systems.
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="r:Label">
A display label for the comparison. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat for labels with different content, for example, labels with differing length limitations.
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="r:Description">
A description of the content and purpose of the comparison. May be expressed in multiple languages and supports the use of structured content.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="ConceptMap">
Maps the content of two different concept schemes of objects of the same type providing detail for the comparable items within those two schemes.
<xs:element ref="ConceptMapReference">
Reference to a mapping of the content of two different concept schemes of objects of the same type providing detail for the comparable items within those two schemes. TypeOfObject should be set to ConceptMap.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="VariableMap">
Maps the content of two different variable schemes of objects of the same type providing detail for the comparable items within those two schemes.
<xs:element ref="VariableMapReference">
Reference to a mapping of the content of two different variable schemes of objects of the same type providing detail for the comparable items within those two schemes. TypeOfObject should be set to VariableMap.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="QuestionMap">
Maps the content of two different question schemes of objects of the same type providing detail for the comparable items within those two schemes.
<xs:element ref="QuestionMapReference">
Reference to a mapping of the content of two different question schemes of objects of the same type providing detail for the comparable items within those two schemes. TypeOfObject should be set to QuestionMap.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="CategoryMap">
Maps the content of two different category schemes of objects of the same type providing detail for the comparable items within those two schemes.
<xs:element ref="CategoryMapReference">
Reference to a mapping of the content of two different category schemes of objects of the same type providing detail for the comparable items within those two schemes. TypeOfObject should be set to CategoryMap.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="RepresentationMap">
Maps between any two managed representations. In addition to representation types held in a ManagedRepresentationScheme, managed representations include CategoryScheme and coded representations which include CodeList, GeographicStructureCode or GeographicLocationCode. Note that the source can be any managed representation including a CodeList, GeographicStructure or GeographicLocation. Note that comparisons between two category schemes is best handled by CategoryMap.
<xs:element ref="RepresentationMapReference">
Reference to a mapping between any two managed representations using the Reference structure. TypeOfObject should be set to RepresentationMap.
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="UniverseMap">
Maps the content of two different universe schemes of objects of the same type providing detail for the comparable items within those two schemes.
<xs:element ref="UniverseMapReference">
Reference to a mapping of the content of two different universe schemes of objects of the same type providing detail for the comparable items within those two schemes. TypeOfObject should be set to UniverseMap.
<xs:element name="ComparisonName" type="r:NameType">
Name of the Comparison using the DDI Name structure.
<xs:complexType name="GenericMapType">
Maps the content of two different schemes of objects of the same type providing detail for the comparable items within those two schemes. Note that comparisons can be made between multiple items in the same scheme or two versions of the same scheme. In addition to the standard name, label, and description of the map, identifies the source scheme and target scheme containing those objects, describes the correspondence between the source and target schemes, and provides detailed comparison of the items within those two schemes.
<xs:extension base="r:VersionableType">
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="MapName">
A name for the Map. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat the element to express names with different content, for example different names for different systems.
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="r:Label">
A display label for the Map. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat for labels with different content, for example, labels with differing length limitations.
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="r:Description">
A description of the content and purpose of the Map. May be expressed in multiple languages and supports the use of structured content.
<xs:element ref="SourceSchemeReference">
Mappings are unidirectional. The scheme referenced as the source is the scheme contents that would be transformed into the scheme contents identified as the target scheme contents.
<xs:element ref="TargetSchemeReference">
Reference to the scheme containing the target structure.
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="Correspondence">
Describe the level of similarity and difference between the Source and the Target schemes.
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="ItemMap">
Contains the mappings for individual items within the Source and Target schemes.
<xs:element name="MapName" type="r:NameType">
<xs:documentation>Name of the Map using the DDI Name structure.</xs:documentation>
<xs:complexType name="CorrespondenceType">
Describes the commonalities and differences between two items using a textual description of both commonalities and differences plus an optional coding of the type of commonality, a commonality expresses as a 0 to 1 weighting factor (expressing degree of comparability) and a user defined correspondence property which is specific to an organization or community of use.
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="Commonality">
A description of the common features of the two items using a StructuredString to support multiple language versions of the same content as well as optional formatting of the content.
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="r:Difference">
A description of the differences between the two items using a StructuredString to support multiple language versions of the same content as well as optional formatting of the content.
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="CommonalityTypeCoded">
A brief description describing the commonality of the two schemes/items, i.e., "Identical", "High", "Medium", "Low", "None". Supports the use of an external controlled vocabulary.
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="CommonalityWeight" type="CommonalityWeightType">
A value between 0 and 1 expressing the degree of commonality (0 indicates none, 1 indicates that they are identical).
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="r:UserDefinedCorrespondenceProperty">
An alternate means of expressing commonality within a specific system. A system specific user defined correspondence expressed as a key/value pair. As this is specific to an individual system the use of controlled vocabularies for the key is strongly recommended.
<xs:simpleType name="CommonalityWeightType">
A value between 0 and 1 expressing the degree of commonality (0 indicates none, 1 indicates that they are identical).
<xs:restriction base="xs:float">
<xs:minInclusive value="0">
<xs:documentation>No commonality</xs:documentation>
<xs:maxInclusive value="1">
<xs:complexType name="RepresentationMapType">
Maps between any two managed representations. In addition to representation types held in a ManagagedRepresentationScheme, managed representations include CategoryScheme and coded representations which include CodeList, GeographicStructureCode or GeographicLocationCode. Note that the source can be any managed representation including a CodeList, GeographicStructure or GeographicLocation. Note that comparisons between two category schemes is best handled by CategoryMap. In addition to the standard name, label, and description of the RepresentationMap, identifies the source representation and target representation (which should be a CodeList, GeographicStructure, or GeographicLocation), describes the correspondence between the source and target, allows for the use of a GenerationInstruction to describe the recoding process, and indicates if this a general mapping or a mapping for a specific purpose.
<xs:extension base="r:VersionableType">
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="RepresentationMapName">
A name for the RepresentationMap. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat the element to express names with different content, for example different names for different systems.
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="r:Label">
A display label for the RepresentationMap. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat for labels with different content, for example, labels with differing length limitations.
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="r:Description">
A description of the content and purpose of the RepresentationMap. May be expressed in multiple languages and supports the use of structured content.
<xs:element ref="SourceRepresentation">
Provides a reference to the managed content of a representation which acts as the source object in the Source/Target comparison pair. May be a ManagedRepresentation or a specific CategoryScheme, CodeList, GeographicRepresentation, or GeographicLocation. Allows for the optional reference to a Concept when context is important. For example, a ManagedNumericRepresentation within the context of Age.
<xs:element ref="TargetRepresentation">
Provides a reference to the managed content of a representation which acts as the target object in the Source/Target comparison pair. May be a ManagedRepresentation or a specific CategoryScheme, CodeList, GeographicRepresentation, or GeographicLocation. Supports the ability to limit code coverage as appropriate for the coding structure referenced.
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="Correspondence">
Describe the level of similarity and difference between the Source and the Target contents.
Allows for use of programmatic logic to construct a detailed comparison map between individual codes in the source and target structures by reference. TypeOfObject should be set to GenerationInstruction or GeneralInstruction. This reference allows for specifying ParameterLinkages at point of use.
<xs:attribute name="contextSpecificComparison" type="xs:boolean" use="optional">
Set to "true" when a Concept has been identified in the SourceRepresentation.
Provides a reference to the managed content of a representation which acts as the source object in the Source/Target comparison pair. May be a ManagedRepresentation or a specific CategoryScheme, CodeList, GeographicRepresentation, or GeographicLocation. Allows for the optional reference to a Concept when context is important. For example, a ManagedNumericRepresentation within the context of Age.
Provides a reference to the managed content of a representation which acts as the target object in the Source/Target comparison pair. May be a ManagedRepresentation or a specific CategoryScheme, CodeList, GeographicRepresentation, or GeographicLocation. Supports the ability to limit code coverage as appropriate for the coding structure referenced.
<xs:complexType name="SourceRepresentationType">
Provides a reference to the managed content of a representation which may be a ManagedRepresentation or a specific CodeList, GeographicRepresentation, or GeographicLocation. Allows for the optional reference to a Concept when context is important. For example, a ManagedNumericRepresentation within the context of Age.
<xs:element ref="r:ManagedRepresentationReference">
Substitution group head for referencing Managed Representations. For example, ManagedTextRepresentationReference, ManagedNumericRepresentationReference, etc.
<xs:element ref="r:CategorySchemeReference">
A reference to a CategoryScheme as the managed component of a representation.
<xs:element ref="r:CodeListReference">
A reference to a CodeList as the managed component of a representation.
A reference to a GeographicStructure as the managed component of a representation.
A reference to a GeographicLocation as the managed component of a representation.
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="r:ConceptReference">
Reference to a Concept which provides a context for the representation, e.g. Age for a numeric representation.
<xs:complexType name="TargetRepresentationType">
Provides a reference to a codified representation. Supports the ability to limit code coverage as appropriate for the coding structure referenced.
<xs:element ref="r:ManagedRepresentationReference">
Substitution group head for referencing Managed Representations. For example, ManagedTextRepresentationReference, ManagedNumericRepresentationReference, etc.
<xs:element ref="r:CategorySchemeReference">
A reference to a CategoryScheme as the managed component of a representation.
<xs:element ref="r:CodeListReference">
A reference to a CodeList as the managed component of a representation.
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="r:CodeSubsetInformation">
Allows further specification of the codes to use from the CodeList.
Identifies the Geographic Structure codes included by the Authorized source of the code, the geographic location being used and the locations to exclude.
Identifies the Geographic Location codes included by the Authorized source of the code, the geographic location being used and the locations to exclude.
<xs:element name="RepresentationMapName" type="r:NameType">
Name of the Representation Map using the DDI Name structure.
<xs:complexType name="ItemMapType">
Maps two items of the same type within the Source and Target Schemes identified.
<xs:extension base="r:IdentifiableType">
<xs:element name="SourceItem" type="r:IDType">
The ID of the source object in the source scheme already identified. Note that the version of the object is whichever version of it that exists in the version of the parent scheme as identified.
<xs:element name="TargetItem" type="r:IDType">
The ID of the target object in the target scheme already identified. Note that the version of the object is whichever version of it that exists in the version of the parent scheme as identified.
<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="Correspondence">
Describe the level of similarity and difference between the Source and the Target objects.
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="RelatedMapReference">
Identifies related maps for example an ItemMap of two questions may point to the CodeMap defining the comparison of the two response domains.
<xs:attribute name="alias" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="optional">
Allows for an alias to be assigned to the correspondence between two items, so that it can be referred to with a single name, that would include both related items.
<xs:element name="ConceptMap" type="GenericMapType">
Maps the content of two different concept schemes of objects of the same type providing detail for the comparable items within those two schemes.
<xs:element name="VariableMap" type="GenericMapType">
Maps the content of two different variable schemes of objects of the same type providing detail for the comparable items within those two schemes.
<xs:element name="QuestionMap" type="GenericMapType">
Maps the content of two different question schemes of objects of the same type providing detail for the comparable items within those two schemes.
<xs:element name="CategoryMap" type="GenericMapType">
Maps the content of two different category schemes of objects of the same type providing detail for the comparable items within those two schemes.
<xs:element name="RepresentationMap" type="RepresentationMapType">
Maps between any managed representation and a coded representation. The coded representation can be a CodeList, GeographicStructureCode or GeographicLocationCode. Note that the source can be any managed representation including a CodeList, GeographicStructure or GeographicLocation.
<xs:element name="UniverseMap" type="GenericMapType">
Maps the content of two different universe schemes of objects of the same type providing detail for the comparable items within those two schemes.
<xs:element name="SourceSchemeReference" type="r:SchemeReferenceType">
Reference to any Scheme using SchemeReference which allows for the specification of objects to exclude. TypeOfObject should be set to CategoryScheme, CodeListScheme, ConceptScheme, ConceptualVariableScheme, ControlConstructScheme, DefaultVariableScheme, GeographicLocationScheme, GeographicStructureScheme, InstrumentScheme, InterviewerInstructionScheme, ManagedRepresentationScheme, NCubeScheme, OrganizationScheme, PhysicalStructureScheme, ProcessingEventScheme, ProcessingInstructionScheme, QualityStatementScheme, QuestionScheme, RecordLayoutScheme, RepresentedVariableScheme, SourceScheme, TargetScheme, UniverseScheme, or VariableSchemeReference.
<xs:element name="TargetSchemeReference" type="r:SchemeReferenceType">
Reference to any Scheme using SchemeReference which allows for the specification of objects to exclude. TypeOfObject should be set to CategoryScheme, CodeListScheme, ConceptScheme, ConceptualVariableScheme, ControlConstructScheme, DefaultVariableScheme, GeographicLocationScheme, GeographicStructureScheme, InstrumentScheme, InterviewerInstructionScheme, ManagedRepresentationScheme, NCubeScheme, OrganizationScheme, PhysicalStructureScheme, ProcessingEventScheme, ProcessingInstructionScheme, QualityStatementScheme, QuestionScheme, RecordLayoutScheme, RepresentedVariableScheme, SourceScheme, TargetScheme, UniverseScheme, or VariableSchemeReference.
<xs:element name="RelatedMapReference" type="r:ReferenceType">
Reference to an existing Concept, Variable, Question, Category, Representation, or Universe Map using the Reference structure. TypeOfObject should be set to CategoryMap, ConceptMap, QuestionMap ,UniverseMap, VariableMap, or RepresentationMap.
<xs:element name="SourceCodeListReference" type="r:ReferenceType">
Reference to an CodeList using the Reference structure. TypeOfObject should be set to CodeList.
<xs:element name="TargetCodeListReference" type="r:ReferenceType">
Reference to a CodeList using the Reference structure. TypeOfObject should be set to CodeList.
<xs:element name="Correspondence" type="CorrespondenceType">
Describes the commonalities and differences between two items.
<xs:element name="ItemMap" type="ItemMapType">
Maps two items of the same type within the Source and Target Schemes identified.
<xs:element name="Commonality" type="r:StructuredStringType">
Commonality of the compared objects provided using a StructuredString to support multiple language versions of the same content as well as optional formatting of the content.
<xs:element name="CommonalityTypeCoded" type="r:CodeValueType">
A brief description describing the commonality of the two schemes/items, i.e., "Identical", "High", "Medium", "Low", "None". Supports the use of an external controlled vocabulary.
<xs:element name="ConceptMapReference" type="r:ReferenceType">
Reference to an existing ConceptMap using the Reference structure. TypeOfObject should be set to ConceptMap.
<xs:element name="VariableMapReference" type="r:ReferenceType">
Reference to an existing VariableMap using the Reference structure. TypeOfObject should be set to VariableMap.
<xs:element name="QuestionMapReference" type="r:ReferenceType">
Reference to an existing QuestionMap using the Reference structure. TypeOfObject should be set to QuestionMap.
<xs:element name="CategoryMapReference" type="r:ReferenceType">
Reference to an existing CategoryMap using the Reference structure. TypeOfObject should be set to CategoryMap.
<xs:element name="RepresentationMapReference" type="r:ReferenceType">
Reference to a mapping between any two managed representations using the Reference structure. TypeOfObject should be set to RepresentationMap.
<xs:element name="UniverseMapReference" type="r:ReferenceType">
Reference to an existing UniverseMap using the Reference structure. TypeOfObject should be set to UniverseMap.

XML schema documentation generated with DocFlex/XML RE 1.9.0 using DocFlex/XML XSDDoc 2.8.0 template set