
Imports: ddi:reusable:3_0 (reusable.xsd)

Global Elements

BaseLogicalProduct (BaseLogicalProductType): [abstract]

LogicalProduct (LogicalProductType): [substitution: BaseLogicalProduct]

ValueRepresentation (r:RepresentationType): [abstract] Substitution group head for describing the representation value of the variable.

TextRepresentation (r:TextRepresentationType): [substitution: ValueRepresentation] Defines the representation of a varaible as a text field. This field can be restricted to a length.

DateTimeRepresentation (r:DateTimeRepresentationType): [substitution: ValueRepresentation] Defines the representation of a varaible as a date or time value.

NumericRepresentation (r:NumericRepresentationType): [substitution: ValueRepresentation] Defines the representation of a varaible as a number, number range, or sequence, or set interval of numbers.

ExternalCategoryRepresentation (r:ExternalCategoryRepresentationType): [substitution: ValueRepresentation] Structures a response domain based on a categorization that is external to DDI, for example, a category list for occupations or geography.

CodeRepresentation (CodeRepresentationType): [substitution: ValueRepresentation] Defines the representation of a variable as a set or subset of codes from a code scheme.

CodeSchemeReference (CodeSchemeReferenceType): References a code scheme, or part of a code scheme.

NCubeLogicalProduct (NCubeLogicalProductType): [substitution: BaseLogicalProduct]

NCubeSchemeReference (r:SchemeReferenceType):

AggregationDefinition (AggregationDefinitionType):

GroupType (r:CodeValueType): A generic element for specifying a reason for a variable or nCube group. Note that this element can contain either a term from a controlled vocabulary list or a textual description.

GroupTypeCoded (GroupTypeCodedType): [substitution: GroupType] A suggested controlled vocabulary of group types.

CategoryScheme (CategorySchemeType): Contains descriptions of particular categories used as question responses and in the logical product. Their relationships and code values are described in the code scheme.

CategorySchemeReference (r:SchemeReferenceType): Reference to a previously defined category scheme either internal to or external to the xml instance.

CodeScheme (CodeSchemeType): Provides a description of a set of categories that have a specific relationship, such as the categories Male and Female that can be grouped together as Gender. Categories (e.g., Male and Female) can belong to multiple code schemes. The code scheme also provides the unique code values for each of the categories in the code scheme.

NCubeScheme (NCubeSchemeType): Contains a collection of NCubes and NCube groups.

VariableScheme (VariableSchemeType): Contains a collection of variables and variable groups.

DataRelationship (DataRelationshipType): Contains a written description of how the logical contents of the file relate to each other for programming purposes. For example, noting that there are household, family and person items where the household is identified by variableH the unique family by the concatenation of variableH and variableF and the unique person within a household by the concatenation of variableH and variableP.

Category (CategoryType): A description of a particular category or response. OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms: Generic term for items at any level within a classification, typically tabulation categories, sections, subsections, divisions, subdivisions, groups, subgroups, classes and subclasses.

CategoryGroup (CategoryGroupType): Allows for grouping of categories.

Generation (GenerationType): Generation/derivation details of the category.

Definition (r:StructuredStringType): Definition of the category. Note that comparison of categories is determined by the Definition rather than the Label. For example, while the Definition of a Chemist in London and a Pharmacist in New York is the same and comparable, the definitions of Chemist in each location differ significantly and are NOT comparable

HierarchyType (HierarchyCodeType): Identifies the type of hierarchy used in the nesting of categories within the code scheme. Possible values are Regular and Irregular. A regular nesting indicates that the category hierarchy is consistent to the lowest levels of the hierarchy, i.e. the lowest levels of the hierarchy are at the same level for every branch on the hierarchy.

Level (LevelType): Used to describe the levels of the code scheme hierarchy. The level describes the nesting structure of a hierarchical coding structure. The use of Level relates back to the inclusion of descriptions for nested categories in version 2.1. Levels take the place of category groups as they were used in DDI versions through 2.1. Category groups in version 2.1 became upper category levels in hierarchical descriptions in version 3. A level could have data attached to it (summary of its children) or no data attached to it (the equivalent of creating a category group in 2.0 and earlier versions Note that the attribute levelNumber is used for referencing specific codes to their level identifier.

Code (CodeType): Reference to included category is found in the ReferenceType. This standard type is extended by the CodeType which allows for additional information regarding the category as well as nesting of codes.

RelationshipType (r:CategoryRelationCodeType): Code describing the relationship between categories of the level. Possible values are either Nominal, Ordinal, or Interval. Note that different levels may have different values within the same hierarchy. For example Level 1 items may be ordinal and Level 2 (the children of Level 1 items) may be nominal.

Interval (IntervalType): Identifies the interval between each value of the categories for this variable. Used only for categories with interval relationship

Variable (VariableType): Describes a variable contained in the variable scheme.

VariableReference (r:ReferenceType): References a variable contained in the variable scheme.

VariableGroup (VariableGroupType): Describes a variable group contained in the variable scheme.

VariableGroupReference (r:ReferenceType): References a variable group contained in the variable scheme.

VariableDefinition (r:StructuredStringType): Additional textual descriptions of the variable.

ConceptReference (r:ReferenceType): General concept to which this variable belongs. The concept itself is found in the studyunit module. Reference to a concept may either be made directly through this element or via a reference to a question that is linked to a concept.

QuestionReference (r:ReferenceType): Reference to question(s) used to collect data for this variable. The question is found in the datacollection module.

EmbargoReference (r:ReferenceType): Reference to embargo information pertaining to this variable.

Representation (RepresentationType): Describes the representation of the variable, including categories, data typing, and computation information.

WeightVariableReference (r:ReferenceType): Reference to weight variable(s) to be used with this variable.

StandardWeightReference (r:ReferenceType): Reference to a standard weight, as described in the DataCollection module.

ImputationReference (r:ReferenceType): Reference to the imputation process described in the Data Processing section

ConcatenatedValue (ConcatenatedValueType): Provides a reference to another variable and describes the method for deriving the value of this variable by concatenating a collection of other variables. This is useful in creating concatenated keys.

CodingInstructionsReference (r:ReferenceType): Any special instructions that were provided to those who converted information from one form to another to derive a particular variable. This might include the reordering of numeric information into another form or the conversion of textual information into numeric information. The specifics of this process are provided in the data collection module element Coding, which is referenced here.

IncludedCodeReference (IncludedCodeReferenceType): Allows selection of code schemes to use not based on levels.

DataExistence (DataExisitenceType): Allows for inclusion of upper level categories that will not have associated data. In this case they act as the DDI version 2 form of category group.

VariableConcatenation (VariableConcatenationType): Describes the concatenation of other variables, based on a category value of this variable that can be used to identify or locate a specific record of this type. Used to identify unique identification string for a record of a specific category type. For example: A summary level indicating a state record may only require a STATE code to identify it in addition to its summary level category value, while a COUNTY would require a specific summary level value plus a STATE code and a COUNTY code.

ComponentReference (r:ReferenceType): Reference to variable or category used for the derivation.

NCube (NCubeType): Describes and NCube.

NCubeGroup (NCubeGroupType): Describes a group of NCubes.

AttachmentLevel (AttachmentLevelCodeType): Identifies attachment level of attribute

AttachmentGroupReference (r:ReferenceType): References the coordinate group to which the attribute attaches.

Purpose (r:InternationalStringType): Purpose for which the nCube was created.

CoordinateGroup (CoordinateGroupType): Defines groups of dimensions (given particular values) to which attributes can be attached.

Dimension (DimensionType): Defines a variable as a dimension of the nCube, and should be repeated to describe each of the nCube's dimensions.

Measure (MeasureType): The measurement features of the cell content (repeatable only for regularly bundled arrays of cell content).

Attribute (AttributeType): Defines a variable that describes an attribute of all or coordinate sections of the NCube.

NCubeReference (r:ReferenceType): Constituent variable.

NCubeGroupReference (r:ReferenceType): Constituent variable group. This allows for nesting of variable groups.

DimensionValue (CohortType): Defines a variable as a dimension of the coordinate group.

VariableSchemeReference (r:SchemeReferenceType): References a variable scheme for inclusion in another variable scheme.

CategoryReference (r:ReferenceType): Provides the specific category of the variable included.

Range (RangeType): Indicates that the Cube contains only a limited number of categories from the code scheme.

LogicalRecord (LogicalRecordType): A logical record such as a household, family, or person record.

RecordRelationship (RecordRelationshipType): All relationships are pairwise. Multiple pairwise relationships maybe needed to clarify all relationships within a logical product.

Value (ValueType): Value of variable indicating this record type.

VariableValueReference (VariableValueReferenceType): Reference to the variable containing the record type locator.

VariableUsedReference (VariableUsedReferenceType): A variable reference which can indicate either inclusion or exclusion from the referenced scheme for each variable.

SupportForMultipleSegments (VariableValueReferenceType): Information concerning support for breaking the logical record into segments for storage purposes. Some files may be broken into record segments for storage but lack variables to support identification of specific segments. In this case segments are identified by their physical order within the storage file.

CaseIdentification (CaseIdentificationType): There may be more than one means of identifying a record. For example a US Census Summary File has a LogicalRecordIdentifer that is unique to the original file within which it was published. A specific geography has a set of fields that identify it uniquely.

VariablesInRecord (VariablesInRecordType): List of all variables used in record either directly or as found in a defined VariableGroup; note that a variable can be used in multiple records.

VariableSpecificationReference (VariableSpecificationReferenceType): Repetition allows multi-variable specifications of unique value.

CaseSpecification (CaseSpecificationType): Value of variable indicating this record type, multiple entries allow for multiple valid values or ranges.

RecordReferenceSource (RecordReferenceSourceType): Reference to the Source Record.

RecordReferenceTarget (r:ReferenceType): Reference to the Target Record.

NCubesInRecord (NCubesInRecordType): Lists the NCubes contained in the record.

Complex Types

BaseLogicalProductType: [abstract]

LogicalProductType: Describes the logical content of standard variables.


CategoryGroupType: Allows for grouping of categories.

CategoryType: A description of a particular category or response. OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms: Generic term for items at any level within a classification, typically tabulation categories, sections, subsections, divisions, subdivisions, groups, subgroups, classes and subclasses.

CodeSchemeType: Describes the structure of a Code Scheme.

LevelType: Used to describe the levels of the code scheme hierarchy. The level describes the nesting structure of a hierarchical coding structure. A level could have data attached to it (summary of its children) or no data attached to it (the equivalent of creating a category group in 2.0 and earlier versions Note that the attribute levelNumber is used for referencing specific codes to their level identifier.


IntervalType: Describes the structure, starting point and increment step of an interval.


VariableType: Describes the structure of a Variable.

RepresentationType: Type to describe the representation of a variable

CodeRepresentationType: Describes a coded representation.

CodeSchemeReferenceType: Describes a coded representation.

VariableConcatenationType: Describes the structure of the concatenated variable.

ConcatenatedValueType: Describes the variables whose concatenated values make up the existing concatenated variable.

DataExisitenceType: Allows for inclusion of upper level categories that will not have associated data. In this case they act as the DDI version 2 form of category group.

IncludedCodeReferenceType: Allows selection of specific codes not based on levels.

GenerationType: Generation/derivation details of the category.

VariableGroupType: Contains a group of variables, which may be hierarchical.

NCubeLogicalProductType: Describes the logical structure of NCubes.


AttributeType: Defines a variable that describes an attribute of all or coordinate sections of the NCube.

NCubeType: Describes the structure of the NCube.

DataRelationshipType: Describes the relationships among logical records in the dataset. Date Relationship is needed to create the appropriate link between the logical record and the physical storage description. Data Relationship is optional because a logical product can contain only a category scheme and/or code scheme.

LogicalRecordType: Describes the logical record in terms of identification of its type, case identification, its relationship with other records, and support for multiple storage segments. Required to link a description of a physical record structure to its logical record.

NCubesInRecordType: Lists the NCubes contained in the record.

VariableValueReferenceType: Describes the variable containing the record type locator and the value being used.

VariablesInRecordType: Identifies the variables in the record type.


CaseIdentificationType: Describes the information needed to identify an individual case within a record type.

VariableSpecificationReferenceType: Describes the information needed to identify a type of record. Repeating the field will allow referencing multiple variables.

CaseSpecificationType: Value of variable indicating this record type, multiple entries allow for multiple valid values or ranges.

RecordRelationshipType: All relationships are described pairwise. Multiple pairwise relationships may be needed to clarify all relationships within a logical product.

RecordReferenceSourceType: Reference to the Source Record.

ValueType: Type for indicating value of variable

NCubeGroupType: Describes a group of NCubes.

CoordinateGroupType: Defines groups of dimensions (given particular values) to which attributes can be attached.

CohortType: Defines a dimension and its value.



AggregationDefinitionType: Identifies the independent (denominator) and dependent (numerator) dimensions for calculating aggregate measures such as percent. When two or more independent or dependent dimensions are listed here, the value is defined as the intersection of the listed dimensions.


GroupTypeCodedType: A suggested enumeration of group types. Indicates reasons for grouping.

Simple Types

IsComprehensiveType: Indicates values of the isComprehensive attribute.

ValueTypeCodeType: Indicates value type.

RelationCodeType: Indicates relation.

AggregationMethodCodeType: A list for describing aggregation methods.




Copyright © 2008 DDI Alliance, DDI Version 3.0 (2008-04-28)

This documentation is extracted from the inline documentation of DDI 3.0 XML Schema and is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as the schema itself.