
Imports: http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace (xml.xsd)
Imports: ddi:reusable:3_0 (reusable.xsd)
Imports: ddi:logicalproduct:3_0 (logicalproduct.xsd)

Global Elements

DataCollection (DataCollectionType): The DataCollection element contains all of the metadata about the data collection process of the study or studies being described. This includes methodologies used for determining data sources, sample, and repetitions for data collection, question structures, flow logic for questionnaires (traditional or computer-assisted), and data processing occurring during data collection and data product creation.

SourceDescription (r:StructuredStringType):

SourceType (r:CodeValueType): SourceType allows for the provision of a term describing primary or secondary data sources, and may be from a controlled vocabulary.

Aggregation (AggregationType):

Method (r:CodeValueType):

VariableSet (VariableSetType):

VariableSetReference (r:ReferenceType):

IndependentVariableReference (r:ReferenceType):

DependentVariableReference (r:ReferenceType):

InterviewerInstructionScheme (InterviewerInstructionSchemeType):

Instruction (InstructionType):

InterviewerInstructionSchemeReference (r:SchemeReferenceType):

ControlConstructScheme (ControlConstructSchemeType): A set of control constructs maintained by an agency, and used in the instrument.

ControlConstruct (ControlConstructType): [abstract] The global element ControlConstruct serves as the head of a substitution group for describing the order and flow of questions and supporting information within a data collection instrument.

IfThenElse (IfThenElseType): [substitution: ControlConstruct]

RepeatUntil (RepeatUntilType): [substitution: ControlConstruct]

RepeatWhile (RepeatWhileType): [substitution: ControlConstruct]

Loop (LoopType): [substitution: ControlConstruct]

Sequence (SequenceType): [substitution: ControlConstruct]

ConstructSequence (SpecificSequenceType):

ComputationItem (ComputationItemType): [substitution: ControlConstruct]

StatementItem (StatementItemType): [substitution: ControlConstruct]

Text (TextType): [abstract] Text exists only to act as the head of a substitution group for the various types of derived text elements within the instrument.

LiteralText (LiteralTextType): [substitution: Text]

ConditionalText (ConditionalTextType): [substitution: Text]

QuestionItem (QuestionItemType): Acts as the head of a substitution group for a set of derived question items.

StructuredMixedResponseDomain (StructuredMixedResponseDomainType): ResponseDomains should be chosen that do NOT duplicate responses such as CodeSchemes with overlapping codes. Be aware that certain instruments may collect responses in such a way that confusion between a code response and text response may be possible. The process of resolving such conflicts should be addressed in the data processing instructions. There is an assumption that if a text or numeric response duplicates a coded response to a question, that the value is that of the coded category.

MultipleQuestionItem (MultipleQuestionItemType): Describes a multiple-question question item. Inherits from QuestionItem.

SubQuestionSequence (SpecificSequenceType): Prescribes the order in which the sub-questions should appear.

ResponseDomain (r:RepresentationType): [abstract] A response domain for a question item, used only as the head of a substitution group for the various derived types of response domains.

QuestionConstruct (QuestionConstructType): [substitution: ControlConstruct]

ResponseSequence (SpecificSequenceType):

TextDomain (r:TextDomainType): [substitution: ResponseDomain]

DateTimeDomain (DateTimeDomainType): [substitution: ResponseDomain]

NumericDomain (NumericDomainType): [substitution: ResponseDomain]

CodeDomain (CodeDomainType): [substitution: ResponseDomain]

CategoryDomain (CategoryDomainType): [substitution: ResponseDomain]

GeographicDomain (GeographicDomainType): [substitution: ResponseDomain]

QuestionSequenceType (QuestionSequenceTypeType):

AlternateSequenceType (r:CommandType):

Type (r:CodeValueType): A generic element for specifying a further classification of an object. Note that this element can be substituted with an element that extends the reusable code type to restrict the possible values to an enumeration.

Methodology (MethodologyType): Methodological metadata for the data collection.

CollectionEvent (CollectionEventType): A set of metadata describing a data collection event. Several events may be described in a single data collection activity.

QuestionScheme (QuestionSchemeType): Describes a set of questions used in the data collection. Several sets of questions may be used. A single scheme always is maintained by a single agency.

QuestionSchemeReference (r:SchemeReferenceType): Provides for inclusion by reference of one question scheme in another.

Instrument (InstrumentType): A description of an instrument related to the data collection activity.

ProcessingEvent (ProcessingType): Metadata regarding a processing event occurring as part of the data collection.

DataCollectionMethodology (r:IdentifiedStructuredStringType): Describes a methodology for data collection.

TimeMethod (r:IdentifiedStructuredStringType): Describes how time fits into the data collection methodology.

SamplingProcedure (r:IdentifiedStructuredStringType): Describes a sampling procedure.

DeviationFromSampleDesign (r:IdentifiedStructuredStringType): Describes deviation from a sample design.

DataSource (DataSourceType): Describes a data source.

Origin (OriginType): A citation or URI indicating the origin of the data. Note that this is an external reference, and should not be used to point to DDI descriptions of the data, or to DDI-encoded data.

Characteristic (r:StructuredStringType): A significant characteristic of the data source that may effect understanding or collection of the data. For example: legibility of data source affected due to water damage.

DataCollectionFrequency (DataCollectionFrequencyType): Provides the intended frequency of data collection, for example monthly, yearly, weekly preferably using an optional controlled vocabulary in the attribute intendedFrequncy. Date of first collection should be provided in StartDate as a basis for defining periodicity. EndDate should be entered for data collection cycles with a known or anticipated end date. EndDate is omitted in data collection series that are intended to be on-going.

ModeOfCollection (r:IdentifiedStructuredStringType): Describes the mode of collection.

CollectionSituation (r:IdentifiedStructuredStringType): Describes the situation in which the data collection event takes place.

ActionToMinimizeLosses (r:IdentifiedStructuredStringType): Describes action taken to minimize loss of data from the collection event.

ControlOperation (OperationType): Describes a control operation.

CleaningOperation (OperationType): Describes a raw data cleaning operation.

Weighting (r:IdentifiedStructuredStringType): Describes the weighting used in the process.

DataAppraisalInformation (DataAppraisalInformationType): Information about the data appraisal.

Coding (CodingType): A description of the coding of the data within the process.

Expression (r:CodeType): A computational expression used in the coding.

SourceVariableReference (r:ReferenceType): A reference to a source variable used as an input in the preceding Expression.

IfCondition (r:CodeType): The condition which must be met to trigger the Then clause, expressed as a Coding. The condition is an expression in the programming language used in the instrument.

ThenConstructReference (r:ReferenceType): A reference to the control construct which should be triggered if the associated condition is met.

ElseConstructReference (r:ReferenceType): A reference to the control construct which is triggered if the associated condition is not met.

UntilCondition (r:CodeType): The condition which must be met to stop the repeated operation of the Coding in the associated UntilConstruct. The condition is an expression in the programming language used in the instrument.

UntilConstructReference (r:ReferenceType): A reference to the Coding which runs until the UntilCondition is met. When the operation ceases, the flow returns to the containing control construct.

WhileCondition (r:CodeType): The condition which must be met to trigger the operation of the associated Coding.

WhileConstructReference (r:ReferenceType): A reference to the Coding which is to be run when the associated condition has been met.

LoopVariableReference (r:ReferenceType): A reference to the variable (as used in the associated Codings) which is incremented or otherwise manipulated to meet the conditions stated in the LoopWhile condition.

InitialValue (r:CodeType): The initial value to which the LoopVariable is set.

LoopWhile (r:CodeType): The condition which must be met for the Loop's functioning to cease; when this condition is met, control is handed back to the containing control construct.

StepValue (r:CodeType): A Coding which is used to manipulate the LoopVariable after each iteration of the Loop's associated ControlConstruct element.

Code (r:CodeType): The Code which contains the value of the variable.

AssignedVariableReference (r:ReferenceType): A reference to a variable to which the associated value in the Code element is assigned.

DisplayText (DynamicTextType): The string to be displayed in the instrument.

QuestionText (DynamicTextType): The text of the question presented in the instrument.

QuestionIntent (r:StructuredStringType): The purpose of the question vis-a-vis the data being collected.

ConceptReference (r:ReferenceType): A reference to the concept associated with the response to the question.

AssociatedItems (QuestionGroupType): Question items associated with the Question Item.

SubQuestions (QuestionGroupType): A group of question items forming a group of sub-questions.

Label (r:InternationalStringType): Label for the response domain as a human-readable string.

QuestionReference (r:ReferenceType): A reference to a question.

ResponseText (DynamicTextType): The text of a response.

SamplingError (r:StructuredStringType): The sampling error of the data.

OtherAppraisalProcess (r:StructuredStringType): Description of any other form of data appraisal.

ResponseUnit (r:InternationalStringType): The response unit.

GeneralInstruction (GeneralInstructionType): Coding instructions that pertain to data collection or data processing overall such as handling of non-response to questions, imputation practices, suppression rules, etc. Coding instructions should be listed separately to allow for referencing of specific processes.

GenerationInstruction (GenerationInstructionType): Instructions for recodes, derivations from multiple question or variable sources, and derivations based on external sources. Instructions should be listed separately so they can be referenced by variables in the logical product.

SourceQuestion (SourceReferenceType): Reference to a question used in the coding process.

ControlConstructReference (r:ReferenceType): Reference to an element in the substitution group headed by the abstract element ControlConstruct.

ControlConstructSchemeReference (r:SchemeReferenceType): Provides for inclusion by reference of external Control Construct Schemes.

SourceVariable (SourceReferenceType): Reference to a variable used in the coding process.

ExternalInformation (r:ReferenceType): Reference to an external source of information used in the coding process, for example a value from a chart, etc.

DataCollectorOrganizationReference (r:ReferenceType): Reference to an organization, defined in the organization scheme, responsible for the data collection.

AgencyOrganizationReference (r:ReferenceType): Reference to an organization, defined in the organziation scheme, responsible for the operation.

ExternalInterviewerInstructionReference (ExternalInterviewerInstructionReferenceType): External reference to an interviewer instruction not expressed as DDI XML.

InterviewerInstructionReference (InterviewerInstructionReferenceType): Reference to an interviewer instruction expressed as DDI XML.

IsOverride (r:ReferenceType): Provides a reference to the GeneralInstruction which the containing GeneralInstruction overrides.

DataCollectionDate (r:DateType): Provides a date or range of dates for the described data collection event as well as a cycle number when the collection is part of a series of data collection events.

ExternalAid (r:OtherMaterialType): A pointer to an exteral aid presented by the instrument such as a text card, image, audio, or audiovisual aid. Typically a URN. Use type attribute to describe the type of external aid provided. Example of terms to use would include: imageOnly audioOnly audioVisual multiMedia.

Complex Types

DataCollectionType: Includes information about the data collection and post-collection processing.

MethodologyType: MethodologyType describes the methodology used for data collection.

CollectionEventType: Provides information regarding a data collection event.

DataCollectionFrequencyType: Documents the intended frequency of data collection, for example monthly, yearly, weekly, etc., preferably using an optional controlled vocabulary in the IntendedFrequency element. Date of first collection should be provided in StartDate as a basis for defining periodicity. EndDate should be entered for data collection cycles with a known or anticipated end date. EndDate is omitted in data collection series that are intended to be on-going.

DataSourceType: Describes a source for the data.

OriginType: A citation or URI for the source of the data. Note that this is an external reference, and should not be used to point to DDI descriptions of the data, or to DDI-encoded data.

ProcessingType: ProcessingType provides a structure for describing the processing within data collection.

OperationType: Provides a structure for cleaning and control operations within a data collection process.

DataAppraisalInformationType: Metadata regarding the appraisal of the collected data.

CodingType: A structure for the description of the computation used in the data collection or data processing such as recoding, derivations, or incorporation of external data sources.

GeneralInstructionType: Coding instructions that pertain to data collection or data processing overall such as handling of non-response to questions, imputation practices, suppression rules, etc. Coding instructions should be listed separately to allow for referencing of specific processes.

GenerationInstructionType: For recodes, derivations from multiple question or variable sources, and derivations based on external sources. Instructions should be listed separately so they can be referenced by variables in the logical product.

AggregationType: Describes the aggregation of a generation instruction.

VariableSetType: Provides detail on a variable set of dependent and independent variables.

SourceReferenceType: Reference to a variable or question used in the deriviation or coding instruction.

InterviewerInstructionSchemeType: series of interviewer instructuctions including routing information to be displayed within the instrument, definitions, and explanations of terminology and questions.

InstructionType: A description of a particular interviewer instruction.

InstrumentType: Structures the metadata describing a collection instrument used in the data collection.

ControlConstructSchemeType: A set of control constructs maintained by an agency, and used in the instrument.

ControlConstructType: [abstract] Provides the basic, extensible structure for control elements used in describing flow logic within the instrument. The only data point which is inherited by the extended constructs based on this type is the identification of the control construct.

IfThenElseType: Provides an if-then-else construct, so that if the stated condition is met, the Then clause is triggered, and otherwise the Else clause is triggered.

RepeatUntilType: Structures the control construct which allows a Coding to be repeated until a specified condition is met.

RepeatWhileType: Structures a control construct which repeats while a specified condition is met. Before each iteration the condition is tested. When the condition is not met, control passes back to the containing control construct.

LoopType: Structures a control construct which loops until a limiting condition is met. The ControlConstruct contained in the Loop operates on the LoopVariable until the LoopWhile condition is met, and then control is handed back to the containing control construct.

SequenceType: A sequence of operations expressed as control constructs performed by the instrument.


StatementItemType: A textual statement used in the Instrument.

DynamicTextType: Structures the behavior of dynamic or static text within the instrument.

TextType: [abstract] Provides a structure to be inherited by derivation for elements belonging to the substitution group of which the Text element is the head.

LiteralTextType: Literal (static) text to be used in the instrument.

ConditionalTextType: Text which has a changeable value, based on a condition expressed in Code.

QuestionSchemeType: A set of questions maintained by an agency, and used in the instrument.

QuestionItemType: Structures the QuestionItem, and provides a structure inherited by other derived question item types.

StructuredMixedResponseDomainType: ResponseDomains should be chosen that do NOT duplicate responses such as CodeSchemes with overlapping codes. Be aware that certain instruments may collect responses in such a way that confusion between a code response and text response may be possible. The process of resolving such conflicts should be addressed in the data processing instructions. There is an assumption that if a text or numeric response duplicates a coded response to a question, that the value is that of the coded category. At least one ResponseDomain must be provided.

MultipleQuestionItemType: Structures a multiple-question question item.

QuestionGroupType: Structures a group of question items.

QuestionConstructType: Structures the construct which ties together questions and the programmatic logic of the control constructs.

DateTimeDomainType: Structures the response domain for a Date, Time, or DateTime response.

NumericDomainType: Structures the response domain for a numeric response. May be a range or specific value, or a list of ranges.

CodeDomainType: Describes a coded response domain.

CategoryDomainType: Structures a response domain based on categorization.

GeographicDomainType: Structures the response domain for a geographic point to ensure collection of relevant information. The point may be associated with a polygon (such as the centroid of the polygon) or a line (end or shape points of a line).

ExternalInterviewerInstructionReferenceType: External reference to an interviewer instruction not expressed as DDI XML.

InterviewerInstructionReferenceType: Reference to an interviewer instruction expressed as DDI XML.

SpecificSequenceType: Describes the ordering of questions when not otherwise indicated. There are a set number of values for QuestionSequenceType, but also a provision for describing an alternate ordering using a command language.

Simple Types

QuestionSequenceTypeType: Describes the types of sequences of questions.

Copyright © 2008 DDI Alliance, DDI Version 3.0 (2008-04-28)

This documentation is extracted from the inline documentation of DDI 3.0 XML Schema and is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as the schema itself.