Template for business continuity plan

template for business continuity plan

This buziness should only aim businesa provide a brief summary of the plan, without exploring any of template for business continuity plan actual processes or procedures. Manufacturing strategies include:. Call us template for business continuity plan 13 28 An analysis of the resources required to execute recovery strategies should be conducted to identify gaps. Other options include provision of technology equipped office adventures of huckleberry finn essay, replacement machinery and other equipment. By clicking the button, you agree to the Terms and Conditions. Training and Exercises. Since these actions are the primary effort that will drive every business continuity effort, it may be tempting to create plans that consist only of these procedures. The ability to run both office productivity and enterprise software is critical. Business Continuity Program Template. The Business Continuity Resource Requirements worksheet should be completed by business function and process managers. Operations may be relocated to an alternate site - assuming both are not impacted by the same incident. Since business continuity plans should be implemented rapidly, it is important to have contact lists and details on hand.