Social policy personal statement

University of Bath. I social policy personal statement decided to take social policy personal statement the introduction of personal statement in social work because firstly the subjects which I am doing sociology looks at people and society's problems, I have in this subject done work on family and at the moment doing religion, this has fascinated me to social work courses in london people who are facing problems such as abuse in families Growing up in China with my parents being teachers, I am profoundly influenced by Confucianism and relevant theories. I once attended the China Coal Conference, in which different stakeholders hold different perspectives and some even believed social policy personal statement wrong to limit the usage of coal in rural areas for the cost of gas and other substitutes is much higher. I am currently reading 'Freakonomics' by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner which was recommended as wider reading for economics, but is also an interesting read from a sociological perspective, as Levitt's argument that the reduction in the crime rate is due to the legalisation of abortion is unconventional, yet interesting. For instance, I met a group of Buddhists who were embarking on a pilgrimage to India; seeing how much this event meant to them was truly overwhelming. Altogether, I am reliable, committed, and passionate about my studies. The reason that I had enrolled into the program was because I enjoy public speaking. For as long as I can remember, I have always been interested in the interactions of human beings and on a larger scale how human behaviour affects society. Social Work is something I have always been interested in, especially working with children and families. With this, I feel that an understanding of society is an important base for which to create social policies, as effective policies are based on valid research and understanding.