Six step problem solving

List the possible solutions Separate the interests from the solutions, use the information gathered in the first six step problem solving phases and start some creative six step problem solving. Did this process address the findings that came out of the assumptions? Each step should be completed before moving business plan for a boutique to the next one. If you see that six step problem solving solution you chose is failing to give you the outcome you desire, try using some of the different solutions you established before. Think about the consequences for each of them. Click Here! Click here to register coupon embedded. Working in customer service is like solving jigsaw puzzles. Once all the symptoms are found and the problem diagnosed and an initial definition agreed, the PS group begins to explore what has caused the problem. Inside LiveChat Authors Write for us. The Six Step Problem Solving Model provides a shared, collaborative, and systematic approach to problem solving. Write for us Authors. Step One is about diagnosing the problem — the context, background and symptoms of the issue. Monitoring includes checking:.