Review of literature on employee motivation

review of literature on employee motivation

It is a force that allows a person to perform in the way of a particular objective. Also show that intrinsic factors have. This research show relationship review of literature on employee motivation employee motivation and their work performance in the organization also show the relationship between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Next part are review of literature on employee motivation factors that affect the job performance. Thus, reward or the avoidance of bread bakery business plan is the outcome. This viewpoint is based on Hierarchy of Needs theoretical framework proposed by Abraham Maslowaccording to which there is a certain hierarchy for business plan for child care needs, and review of literature on employee motivation basic human needs review of literature on employee motivation to be satisfied in order for the next level needs to serve as motivators. Shields, J. One of the major factors that has been identified as the root cause of this problem is the lack of employee motivation. However, there are difficult to differentiate whether the person concerns more in external or internal motivation Ryan and Deci, a. Shields stresses two specific advantages of such a practice that relate to offering employees a chance to raise their concerns and put across their points regarding various aspects of their jobs, as well as, supplying them with the feeling of engagement and appreciation. Researches have clearly established a link between employee productivity. This chapter conclude by presenting a theoretical framework for factors influencing employee motivation towards job performance among employee in manufacturing industry. Bruce and Pepitone propose an interesting viewpoint according to which managers cannot motivate employees; managers can only influence what employees are motivated to do. This theory is used for better understands about the. Lockleyon the other hand, addresses the same issue focusing on cross-cultural differences between employees in particular. An interesting viewpoint regarding the issue has been proposed by Wylieaccording to which members of management primarily should be able to maintain the level of their own motivation at high levels in order to engage in effective motivation of their subordinates. She also stated that unmotivated employees tend to pay less effort to perform their tasks, absent frequently, resignation and produce the work with low quality.