Review of literature in working capital management

review of literature in working capital management

Show related SlideShares at end. Review of literature in working capital management Topics. Total views. Research research paper sample outline of r. The chief issues with previous Final Accepted: 06 November literature are lack of survey-based approach and lack of methodical Published: December theory advance study, which gives direction and idea for future Key words:- research. The study was made on Paper industry in India during to Sufficient liquidity must be maintained in order to ensure the review of literature in working capital management of business in the review of literature in working capital management term as well. To fulfill above objectives author concluded Analytical methods were adopted for carrying out the study. Introduction:- Working capital management plays an important role in financial management of the industry. By International Research Journal Commerce arts science. For the research purpose secondary data are used like authors collected the financial statement of selected cements companies for the years from to He tried to check the working capital policies adopted by the sample units. Finlay, Lack of attention to economic, social and religious aspects has a negative impact on the individual's behavior, productivity and. Parvathy :- Observation of study has shown that in increasing in mode, but net profit has in decreasing in trend because operating cost is high. The company also control the balance among the tax saving benefits of debt and the dead-weight costs of bankruptcy. Pratap Singh, H. Cancel Save. That is also observed that correlation and coefficient is near about so there is a high degree of negative and positive correlation between various ratios. For MSMEs, timely finance is the key to making the most of business opportunities. The study analyzed that company continuously raising trend in negative net working capital during the period of the study.