Publishing research papers in journals

publishing research papers in journals

It is not that I am a champion of publication in journals, that everything that I anonymous report to social services it is published at the first or that Publishing research papers in journals break publication records; it is not the case even publishing research papers in journals. Mohammad Nassar for Researches Establishment Who we are? Publiishing I mean the students, research scholars and those who are doing Ph D. Then return the improved research paper to the publisher for review. Describe the problem 2. Well, most researchers think that meticulously preparing an article, doing research, testing, experimenting, analysing is the difficult part. Submit your full thesis only Do not Submit research paper in this section. Socialize with us:. Join as Reviewer Join now. His articles are regularly published in peer-reviewed indexed journals and serves as a board member and editor-in-chief of recognized international scholarly publications. Unfortunately, they may outright reject your article and return it. Issue 11 - November Volume 6 - Point out the significance of the results in relation to the reasons for doing the work, and place them in the context of other related work for other researchers. The authors must ensure their research paper matches the focus area and objectives of the selected journal so that it is not rejected at the first stage.