How to outline a research paper apa

how to outline a research paper apa

Bow an APA research paper outline researvh might not office assistant cover letter as an official segment business plan title page sample an APA paper, most professors may ask you to include the outline as another assignment or even with the tp. Combine information into a longer sentence when possible. Once your outline is finished, go over it several how to outline a research paper apa and papre how to outline a research paper apa the things that are papef how to outline a research paper apa bear no value. Include an apparatus section if you used specialized equipment for your study e. The decimal outline is quite simple. The second major section of your paper is the body. Stephan, W. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy. The final version of your outline should reflect your completed draft. Academics Expand Navigation. Additional Navigation About Us. How to Write a Psychology Research Paper. If you have created a new instrument, you should attach it as an Appendix. Here is an example of a simple outline for the topic "Directing a Play for Scholars" looks. Results labeled, centered, bold In this section, describe how you analyzed the data and what you found. Try to organize it in terms of the ideas rather than who did what when. If the journal name had multiple words, each of the major words would be capitalized. The goal of the discussion section is to interpret your findings and place them in the broader context of the literature in the area.