Guide to writing a literature review

August 30, Literathre of the passive voice implies that oiterature is happening by itself and the reader what is a essay be confused about who's doing what. As you can see, the nature of guide to writing a literature review research and the sources determine the literature review guide to writing a literature review outline for you. Instead, you have to analyze the sources that are most relevant to your research questions. Why suffer? Conclusion If you want to know more about how to write a literature review, the information above will greatly assist you. Similarly, use the keywords to search for different sources. You can argue for the relevance of a specific theoretical approach or combine various theorical concepts to create a framework for your research. How to Write a Research Methodology. In these cases, the lit review just needs to cover scholarship that is important to the issue you are writing about; sometimes it will also cover key sources that informed your research methodology.