Boscastle flood case study

boscastle flood case study

The Environment Agency is responsible for warning people about floods and reducing the likelihood of future floods. It remains boscastle flood case study the area for about six hours. There is more about surface boscastle flood case study charts in the weather section complete business plan example the Met Office website. Weather and climate resources and events for business plan template nsw. It is a warm and moist casw maritime air mass. These included: environmental damage to local wildlife habitats coastal pollution caused as boscastle flood case study and fuel from boscastel flowed out to sea. Rainfall Radar Fig. The pictures show cloud forming over Boscastle at about 1 p. The church was filled with six feet of mud and water. Web page reproduced with the kind permission of the Met Office. Weather chart Fig 1. Physical Impacts Flooding On the day of the flood, about 75mm of rain fell in two hours — the same amount that normally falls in the whole of August. Radar imagery Fig 2. We are investing in new ways of predicting heavy rainfall events on a small scale to produce better warnings. Destruction of houses, businesses and gardens Floodwater gushed into houses, shops and pubs. Extreme Weather global. Raising the car park and using a permeable surface - this allowed cars to be much higher and so they were less likely to be swept away. Huge amounts of water from this sudden downpour flowed into two rivers, the Valency and Jordan which flows into the Valency just above Boscastle.