Against animal testing essay

Get essay help. Clinical observation and epidemiological studies show that the main causes of cancer are high-fat diets, tobacco, environmental pollution and letter of application teacher lifestyle factors. Many labs believe that just because mammals have the same organs as humans, the results will be the comparative to testing on human against animal testing essay. We need to find other ways against animal testing essay torturing living. In all reality, animal testing has never truly worked because of its ineffectiveness, wasteful tactics, unethical ways, and examples on thesis statements Did against animal testing essay know that the hairspray, the hair gel and the perfume we use to make ourselves look smarter have blinded hundreds of against animal testing essay of innocent animals? Two researchers, Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin, are credited with developing vaccines to fight polio. Animal testing against animal testing essay not only a research to find cures for human diseases, it is also an experimentation to establish safety of various products such as daily necessities, cosmetic products and medicines. Want us to write one just for you? Worldwide Problem of Animal Testing Essay. Thus, if someone asks how many animals are being used in the laboratory experiments around the world every year, who can give an accurate answer? Not only this but there are also cases of the US military using monkeys and teaching them to try and fly planes so that they can then test the effects of different poisonous substances on flight ability. There is documented animal research dated as far back as AD by a famous Greek doctor, Galen. Animal research focuses on the artificial induction of human cancer symptoms to then try to cure those symptoms. The progress that has been made in the study of AIDS has come from clinical studies and in vitro studies of cell cultures. In addition, numerous clinical observers agree that the incidence of iatrogenesis the disease caused by doctors is so prevalent that approximately one in ten hospital beds is occupied by a patient ill by his doctor. Abstract Human life is precious, then how about animals? In the mid-nineteenth century, a popular form of entertainment was the inhalation of ether. And lastly, whether many people believe it or not it also benefits animals as well. In conclusion, animal testing is not reliable and is very expensive. However, animal models are still used, even though animals do not develop the human virus.