
Results of the DDI Executive Board Special Election

Written by lyle | Mar 4, 2025 4:30:00 AM

Dear DDI Community,

We are pleased to announce the results of the DDI Alliance Executive Board special election. The Executive Board, which sets the overall policy and budget for the Alliance, held this election to fill a vacancy for a term running through June 2027.

We are excited to welcome Bonnie Wolff-Boenisch, CEO of CESSDA (Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives), who received the most votes and will be joining the Executive Board.  We look forward to her leadership and contributions to advancing DDI. 

CESSDA is European Infrastructure that brings together social science data archives from 22 members and 12 partner countries. Before joining CESSDA, Bonnie contributed to the establishment of Science Europe, the international science policy organisation that promotes the interests of Europe's best-known research-performing and funding organisations. With over 25 years of experience in research and infrastructures, management, and advocacy across diverse cultures and disciplines, Bonnie brings a wealth of expertise to the DDI Alliance. She holds a PhD in Isotope Geochemistry from the Max-Planck Institute in Mainz, Germany, and an Executive Master in Management from ICHEC Brussels Management School.

Bonnie shared the following position statement when running for the Executive Board:

CESSDA has been a cornerstone of the European social science research data management community for nearly 50 years, evolving into a mature pan-European RI that enhances access to high-quality and trusted research data. CESSDA also plays a significant role in shaping global standards for metadata interoperability and data-sharing practices. It is my wish to enhance DDI's capacities and extend its influence by collaborating with European and International partners that share the same goals across and beyond the social sciences domain.

We would also like to extend our sincere appreciation to Alina Danciu, Team Leader at Sciences Po, Paris, for her candidacy and dedication to the DDI community. Her willingness to serve is deeply valued, and we look forward to her continued engagement with the Alliance.

Looking ahead, our next regular election cycle for both the Executive and Scientific Boards will take place in April.  Several seats on both boards will be open for candidates, and a call for nominations will be announced next week.

Thank you to all who participated in this special election.  Your involvement ensures that the DDI Alliance remains strong and responsive to the needs of the community.


Jared Lyle
Executive Director, DDI Alliance