For clarifying information/annotation regarding the parent element.
The attributes for notes permit a controlled vocabulary to be developed ("type" and "subject"), indicate the "level" of the DDI to which the note applies (study, file, variable, etc.), and identify the author of the note ("resp").
<docDscr><verStmt><notes resp="Jane Smith">Additional information on derived variables has been added to this marked-up version of the documentation.</notes></verStmt></docDscr> <docDscr><citation><notes resp="Jane Smith">This citation was prepared by the archive based on information received from the markup authors.</notes></citation></docDscr> <docSrc><verStmt><notes resp="Jane Smith">The source codebook was produced from original hardcopy materials using Optical Character Recognition (OCR).</notes><verStmt> </docSrc> <docSrc><notes>A machine-readable version of the source codebook was supplied by the Zentralarchiv</notes></docSrc> <docDscr><notes>This Document Description, or header information, can be used within an electronic resource discovery environment.</notes></docDscr> <stdyDscr><verStmt><notes resp="Jane Smith">Data for 1998 have been added to this version of the data collection.</notes></verStmt></stdyDscr> <stdyDscr><citation><notes resp="Jane Smith">This citation was sent to ICPSR by the agency depositing the data.</notes></citation></stdyDscr> <stdyInfo><notes>Data on employment and income refer to the preceding year, although demographic data refer to the time of the survey.</notes></stdyInfo> <method><notes>Undocumented codes were found in this data collection. Missing data are represented by blanks.</notes></method> <method><notes>For this collection, which focuses on employment, unemployment, and gender equality, data from EUROBAROMETER 44.3: HEALTH CARE ISSUES AND PUBLIC SECURITY, FEBRUARY-APRIL 1996 (ICPSR 6752) were merged with an oversample.</notes></method> <setAvail><notes> Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics used in the analyses for the final report are not provided as part of this collection.</notes></setAvail> <dataAccs><notes>Users should note that this is a beta version of the data. The investigators therefore request that users who encounter any problems with the dataset contact them at the above address.</notes></dataAccs> <fileStrc><notes>The number of arrest records for an individual is dependent on the number of arrests an offender had.</notes></fileStrc> <fileTxt><verStmt><notes>Data for all previously-embargoed variables are now available in this version of the file.</notes></verStmt></fileTxt> <fileDscr><notes>There is a restricted version of this file containing confidential information, access to which is controlled by the principal investigator.</notes> </fileDscr> <varGrp><notes>This variable group was created for the purpose of combining all derived variables.</notes></varGrp> <varGrp><notes source="archive" resp="John Data">This variable group and all other variable groups in this data file were organized according to a schema developed by the adhoc advisory committee. </notes></varGrp> <nCubeGrp><notes>This nCube Group was created for the purpose of presenting a cross- tabulation between variables "Tenure" and "Age of householder."</notes></nCubeGrp> <valrng><notes subject="political party">Starting with Euro-Barometer 2 the coding of this variable has been standardized following an approximate ordering of each country's political parties along a "left" to "right" continuum in the first digit of the codes. Parties coded 01-39 are generally considered on the "left", those coded 40-49 in the "center", and those coded 60-89 on the "right" of the political spectrum. Parties coded 50-59 cannot be readily located in the traditional meaning of "left" and "right". The second digit of the codes is not significant to the "left-right" ordering. Codes 90-99 contain the response "other party" and various missing data responses. Users may modify these codings or part of these codings in order to suit their specific needs. </notes> </valrng> <invalrng><notes>Codes 90-99 contain the response "other party" and various missing data responses. </notes></invalrng> <var><verStmt><notes>The labels for categories 01 and 02 for this variable, were inadvertently switched in the first version of this variable and have now been corrected.</notes></verStmt></var> <var><notes>This variable was created by recoding location of residence to Census regions.</notes></var> <nCube><verStmt><notes>The labels for categories 01 and 02 in dimension 1 were inadvertently switched in the first version of the cube, and have now been corrected. </notes></verStmt></nCube> <nCube><notes>This nCube was created to meet the needs of local low income programs in determining eligibility for federal funds.</notes></nCube> <dataDscr><notes>The variables in this study are identical to earlier waves. </notes> </dataDscr> <otherMat><notes>Users should be aware that this questionnaire was modified during the CAI process.</notes></otherMat>