Describes the logical structure of an n-dimensional array, in which each coordinate intersects with every other dimension at a single point. The nCube has been designed for use in the markup of aggregate data. This element includes the following attributes:
The attribute "name" includes a short label for the nCube. Following the rules of many statistical analysis systems such as SAS and SPSS, names are usually up to eight characters long.
The "sdatrefs" are summary data description references which record the ID values of all elements within the summary data description section of the Study Description which might apply to the nCube. These elements include: time period covered, date of collection, nation or country, geographic coverage, geographic unit, unit of analysis, universe, and kind of data.
The "methrefs" are methodology and processing references which record the ID values of all elements within the study methodology and processing section of the Study Description which might apply to the nCube. These elements include information on data collection and data appraisal (e.g., sampling, sources, weighting, data cleaning, response rates, and sampling error estimates).
The "pubrefs" attribute provides a link to publication/citation references and records the ID values of all citations elements in Other Study Description Materials or Other Study-Related Materials that pertain to this nCube.
The "access" attribute records the ID values of all elements in the Data Access section that describe access conditions for this nCube. The "dmnsQnty" attribute notes the number of dimensions in the nCube. The "cellQnty" attribute indicates the total number of cells in the nCube.