Description: Indicate here, at the file level, the types of checks and operations performed on the data file. A controlled vocabulary may be developed for this element in the future. The following examples are based on ICPSR's Extent of Processing scheme:
<dataChck>The archive produced a codebook for this collection.</dataChck> <dataChck>Consistency checks were performed by Data Producer/ Principal Investigator.</dataChck> <dataChck>Consistency checks performed by the archive.</dataChck> <dataChck>The archive generated SAS and/or SPSS data definition statements for this collection.</dataChck> <dataChck>Frequencies were provided by Data Producer/Principal Investigator.</dataChck> <dataChck>Frequencies provided by the archive.</dataChck> <dataChck>Missing data codes were standardized by Data Producer/ Principal Investigator.</dataChck> <dataChck>Missing data codes were standardized by the archive.</dataChck> <dataChck>The archive performed recodes and/or calculated derived variables. </dataChck> <dataChck>Data were reformatted by the archive.</dataChck> <dataChck>Checks for undocumented codes were performed by Data Producer/Principal Investigator.</dataChck> <dataChck>Checks for undocumented codes were performed by the archive.</dataChck>