
Found 1108 results
Gregory A, Thomas W, Vardigan M, Wackerow J, Block W, Bosch T, Fitzpatrick B, Gillman D, Greenfield J, Hebing M et al..  2012.  Developing a Model-Driven DDI Specification . DDI Working Paper Series (Other Topics).
Block W, Williams J, Abowd J, Vilhuber L, Lagoze C.  2012.  An Early Prototype of the Comprehensive Extensible Data Documentation and Access Repository (CED2AR).
Yonekura Y, Sato K, Maeda Y.  2012.  Feature Enhancement of Easy DDI Organizer (EDO).
Lalor T.  2012.  The Generic Statistical Information Model (GSIM) .
Lalor T, Vale S.  2012.  Generic Statistical Information Model – Overview and Introduction.
Iverson J, Smith D.  2012.  Hands on DDI 3 with Colectica.
Bosch T.  2012.  How to Infer an Ontology of the Data Documentation Initiative?
Rodriguez EM.  2012.  Implementation of DDI in the National Institute of Statistics and Geography of Mexico.
Fink ASofia.  2012.  Implementation of the DdiEditor in DDA.
Sissala TErik.  2012.  Implementing a Longitudinal Data Portal with a Customized Version of Questasy.
Fihn J, Iverson J.  2012.  Integrating DDI 3-based Tools with Web Services: Connecting Colectica and eXist-db.
Corbett J, Stafford R.  2012.  Issues around Implementing DDI in a Survey Organisation.
Iverson J.  2012.  Keeping up with Colectica.
Nordbotten S.  2012.  Keynote: Ideas about Statistical Data Archives and Services.
Schaible J, Zapilko B, Zenk-Moeltgen W.  2012.  Linking Study Descriptions to the Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud.
Perret A.  2012.  Making the best of existing tools for enhancing documentation.
Smith D.  2012.  Managing Private and Public Views of DDI Metadata Repositories .
Gager J.  2012.  Metadata Editing Framework: An open source project for building metadata tools.
Spencer SC.  2012.  Metadata-driven Survey Design at the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
Zenk-Möltgen W.  2012.  Migrating a Large Collection to DDI-Lifecycle.
Barkow I.  2012.  Modeling the Lifecycle into a Combination of Tools (.
Bidargaddi A, Førgaard R, Risnes Ø.  2012.  Nesstar – from Tool to Toolkit: A Programmable DDI-based Platform.
Welch M, Dupriez O.  2012.  Open Source Solutions for Open Microdata: The IHSN Tools.
Brown A, Iverson J, Smith D, Vermaaten S.  2012.  Powering Official Statistics at Statistics New Zealand with DDI-L and Colectica: A Case Study.
Hoyle L, Corti L, Gregory A, Martinez A, Wackerow J, Alvar E, Cabrera NBetancort, Gallagher D, Gebel T, Hautamaki J et al..  2012.  A Qualitative Data Model for DDI. DDI Working Paper Series (Other Topics).