
Found 1108 results
Gierl C, Johnson J.  2012.  70 Years of UK Birth Cohort Data into DDI Lifecycle?
Smith D.  2012.  Accessing DDI 3 as Linked Data - Colectica RDF Services.
Hebing M, Schiller D.  2012.  Administrative and Survey Data: DDI-based Documentation for a Combined Analysis.
Bidargaddi A.  2012.  Building Applications with the Nesstar API .
Fleureux R, Jayet C, Szulek A.  2012.  CIMES: A Tool for Describing European Official Statistics Microdata.
Iverson J, Smith D.  2012.  Colectica: Data Management with DDI 3.
Bosch T, Zloch M.  2012.  Create your own information systems on the basis of DDILifecycle.
Thomas W, Hebing M.  2012.  Data and Metadata Management Using DDI.
Vompras J.  2012.  Data Management, DDI-based Documentation, and Visualization of Business and Organizational Research Data at the DSZ-BO.
Gregory AT.  2012.  Data without Boundaries: A DDI-Based Metadata Model for Supporting Cross-National Data Discovery.
Silberman R, Wolf C.  2012.  Data without Boundaries: A European Project to Enhance Access to Official Microdata.
Gregory A.  2012.  DDI and GSIM – Impacts, Context, and Future Possibilities.
Gregory A, Wackerow J.  2012.  DDI Lifecycle and Qualitative Data: Development of a Formal Model.
Gregory A, Thomas W, Vardigan M, Wackerow J.  2012.  DDI Lifecycle: Moving Forward.
Wackerow J.  2012.  DDI Lifecycle: Moving Forward – Outcome of the Recent Workshop in Dagstuhl .
Wackerow J, Orten H.  2012.  A DDI resource package for the International Standard for Classification of Education (ISCED).
Orten H, Wackerow J.  2012.  DDI Resource Packages and How They Can Be Used in the Data Production Process .
Thomas W.  2012.  DDI Specification: Current Status and Outlook.
Jensen J.  2012.  DdiEditor.
Nielsen MGrosen, Jensen J.  2012.  DDI-L in the Production of Official Statistics .
Jensen J.  2012.  DDI-Lifecycle Infrastructure at DDA.
Olsson O, Bosch T, Zapilko B, Gregory A, Wackerow J.  2012.  DDI-RDF - Trouble with Triples.
Jensen J.  2012.  DdiXslt.