
Found 1108 results
Vardigan M, Hansen SEllen, Granda P, Ionescu S, LeClere F.  2009.  DDI Across the Life Cycle: One Data Model, Many Products.
Askitas N, Granda P, Gregory A, Grim R, Heus P, Hoogerwerf M, Iverson J, Miller K, Revheim S, Jensen JVestergaar.  2009.  DDI as Content for Registries. DDI Working Paper Series (Best Practices).
Vardigan M.  2009.  DDI Best Practices: Future Plans.
Iverson J.  2009.  DDI Best Practices: Technical Best Practices.
Gregory A.  2009.  DDI Best Practices: Why Best Practices?
Mechtel M, Knigge M.  2009.  DDI for Large Scale Assessments in Education – Data Archiving and Question Banking.
Thomas W, Wackerow J.  2009.  DDI Specification: Current Status and Outlook.
Jensen U.  2009.  DDI3 and Re-use of Metadata in Archival Processes.
Huschka D.  2009.  Developments of the Research Data Infrastructure in Germany since the End of the 90´s.
Jensen J.  2009.  Editing DDI.
Mechtel M.  2009.  EduDDI: An application of DDI 3.0 for Large-scale Assessments in Education.
Jensen U, L'Hours H.  2009.  Evaluation of DDI 3 - Preservation metadata (D8.1).
Grim R.  2009.  The EVS and NKO Subject Portal for Enhanced Publications: Connecting Archives and Libraries with DDI.
Kleemola M.  2009.  Exploring DDI3 in an Archive.
Iverson J.  2009.  Exporting DDI 3.0 from Computer Assisted Interviewing Systems.
Lehnert C.  2009.  Finding the Right Tags in DDI 3.0: A Beginner's Experience.
Dinkelmann K, Heus P, Humphrey C, Iverson J, Jensen J, Revheim S, Wackerow J.  2009.  High-Level Architectural Model for DDI Applications . DDI Working Paper Series (Best Practices).
Puumala M.  2009.  How to Present an Application Based on DDI3 to the World Out There?
Schürer K.  2009.
Edwards M, Fry J, Granda P, Kolsrud K, Kramer S, Miller K, Nakao R, Vardigan M.  2009.  Implementation and Governance. DDI Working Paper Series (Best Practices).
Amin A.  2009.  Implementation of Questasy: Online Data Information and Dissemination Using DDI3.
Wira-Alam A, Hopt O.  2009.  Implementing DDI 3: The German Microcensus Case Study. IASSIST Quarterly. 33(1-2)
Wira-Alam A, Hopt O.  2009.  Implementing DDI3.0: A Case Study of the German Microcensus.
Askitas N, Gregory A, Hoogerwerf M.  2009.  Management of DDI 3.0 Unique Identifiers. DDI Working Paper Series (Best Practices).
Granda P, Wacherow J, Moschner M, Zenk-Moeltgen W, Vardigan M.  2009.  Managing the Metadata Life Cycle: The Future of DDI at GESIS and ICPSRD1.