Includes a typology of notes. DDI 3.2 A brief textual description or classification of the type of Note. Supports the use of an external controlled vocabulary. Module Name Element Name reusable TypeOfNote DDI 2.5 For clarifying information/annotation regarding the parent element. The attribute "type" permits a controlled vocabulary to be developed. Element Number in DDI 2.1 Element/Attribute Name notes@type Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3 Copyright © DDI Alliance 2015 TypeOfNote Type of Note 1.0 urn:ddi-cv:TypeOfNote urn:ddi-cv:TypeOfNote:1.0 DDI Alliance The Alliance for the Data Documentation Initiative DDI Code Value of the Code Term Descriptive Term of the Code Definition Definition of the Code CodeKey The unique identification of each item in a code list. Processing Processing Note A note related to the processing of the data, or metadata, or both. Addendum Addendum Additional information, usually of a factual nature (as opposed to a comment), intended to clarify the content of a DDI section or module. System System Note A note generated by the processing system used to produce the data, or metadata, or both. Observation Observation A note providing information on an aspect relevant for data usage that is likely to remain permanent, or a temporary note providing information for further review and correction. May be an observation entered by a human user or a system-generated note on any inconsistencies or deviations. Comment Comment A human-readable comment, typically of a more subjective nature than an addendum. Other Other Use when the type of note is known, but not found in the list.