Indicates the statistical software package used in the production/processing/dissemination of the data. Data collection software is not covered in this list. Lists a number of commonly used statistical software packages but is not meant to be an exhaustive list. DDI 3.1 Note that this vocabulary is intended for use in the physicalinstance and physicaldataproduct_proprietary modules, but not in the datacollection module. It does not include specific software for describing data collection instruments, or data collection methodology. If using "Other", specify the value in the OtherValue attribute of the appropriate element. Module Name Element Name reusable SoftwarePackage DDI 2.1 This vocabulary can be used for fileDscr/fileTxt/software (as 3.1.11), but may not be appropriate to use in a citation (for example as unless the software was used to produce the entire cited work. Element Number Element/Attribute Name 3.1.11 software Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3 Copyright © DDI Alliance 2011 SoftwarePackage Software Package 1.0 urn:ddi-cv:SoftwarePackage urn:ddi-cv:SoftwarePackage:1.0 DDI Alliance The Alliance for the Data Documentation Initiative DDI Code Value of the Code Term Descriptive Term of the Code Definition Definition of the Code CodeKey The unique identification of each item in a code list. AcaStat AcaStat ADaMSoft ADaMSoft AnalyseIt Analyse-it Auguri Auguri BioStat BioStat BMDP BMDP BrightStat BrightStat Dataplot Dataplot DBase DBase DIF DIF Data interchange format suitable for use in Excel EasyReg EasyReg EpiInfo Epi Info EViews EViews GAUSS GAUSS GoldenHelix Golden Helix GraphPadPrism GraphPad Prism Gretl gretl JMP JMP Limdep Limdep MacAnova MacAnova Maple Maple Mathematica Mathematica MatLab MatLab MedCalc MedCalc Minitab Minitab ModelQED modelQED NCSS NCSS NSDStat NSDStat OpenEpi OpenEpi Origin Origin Partek Partek Primer Primer PSPP PSPP RCommander R Commander R R RATS RATS RKWard RKWard SalStat SalStat SAS SAS Shazam Shazam SOCR SOCR SPlus SPlus SPSS SPSS Stata Stata Statistica Statistica SUDAAN SUDAAN TSP TSP Other Other Use if the software package is known, but not found in the list.