Describes the level of proficiency of an individual in a natural language. DDI 3.2 A brief textual description of an individual's ability to read/write/speak a given language. Supports the use of an external controlled vocabulary. Module Name Element Name archive Read archive Write archive Speak DDI 2.5 DDI-Codebook (DDI 2.5 and all previous DDI versions) does not include an element that would support this controlled vocabulary. Element Number in DDI 2.1 Element/Attribute Name Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3 Copyright © DDI Alliance 2015 LanguageProficiency Language Proficiency 1.0 urn:ddi-cv:LanguageProficiency urn:ddi-cv:LanguageProficiency:1.0 DDI Alliance The Alliance for the Data Documentation Initiative DDI Code Value of the Code Term Descriptive Term of the Code Definition Definition of the Code CodeKey The unique identification of each item in a code list. Native Native The individual is a native user of the language whose level of proficiency is unknown/unspecified. Native.Fluent Native: Fluent The individual is a native user with excellent mastery of the language, including breadth of vocabulary and idiom, and confident command of the grammar. Native.Good Native: Good The individual is a native user of the language with good structural accuracy, vocabulary and comprehension. Native.Basic Native: Basic The individual is a native user of the language with limited vocabulary, use of grammar and comprehension. NonNative Non-native The individual is a non-native user of the language whose level of proficiency is unknown/unspecified. NonNative.Fluent Non-native: Fluent The individual is a non-native user with excellent mastery of the language, including breadth of vocabulary and idiom, and confident command of the grammar. NonNative.Good Non-native: Good The individual is a non-native user of the language with good structural accuracy, vocabulary and comprehension. NonNative.Basic Non-native: Basic The individual is a non-native user of the language with limited vocabulary, use of grammar and comprehension. NativeStatusUnspecified Unspecified native status The individual's native status and her/his level of proficiency are both unknown, or not specified. NativeStatusUnspecified.Fluent Unspecified native status: Fluent The individual's native status is unknown/unspecified; s/he has excellent mastery of the language, including breadth of vocabulary and idiom, and confident command of the grammar. NativeStatusUnspecified.Good Unspecified native status: Good The individual's native status is unknown/unspecified; s/he has good structural accuracy, vocabulary and comprehension. NativeStatusUnspecified.Basic Unspecified native status: Basic The individual's native status is unknown/unspecified; s/he has limited vocabulary, use of grammar, and comprehension. Other Other Use if level of proficiency is known, but not found in the list. It is recommended that any new entry combine information about the individual's native/non-native status and his/her level of proficiency, following the format [native status].[proficiency level] as shown in the entries above.