Schema for DDI Version 3.1 (10-18-2009)

The following links lead to the schemas for DDI version 3.1. The main entry point is the wrapper module instance.xsd.

Module Name Namespace Filename/Link
Archive ddi:archive:3_1 archive.xsd
Comparative ddi:comparative:3_1 comparative.xsd
Conceptual Component ddi:conceptualcomponent:3_1 conceptualcomponent.xsd
Data Collection ddi:datacollection:3_1 datacollection.xsd
Dataset ddi:dataset:3_1 dataset.xsd
Dublin Core Elements ddi:dcelements:3_1 dcelements.xsd
DDI XHTML 1.1 Model ddi-xhtml11-model-1.xsd
DDI XHTML 1.1 Modules ddi-xhtml11-modules-1.xsd
DDI XHMTL 1.1 ddi-xhtml11.xsd
DDI Profile ddi:profile:3_1 ddiprofile.xsd
Group ddi:group:3_1 group.xsd
Instance ddi:instance:3_1 instance.xsd
Logical Product ddi:logicalproduct:3_1 logicalproduct.xsd
Physical Data Product ddi:physicaldataproduct:3_1 physicaldataproduct.xsd
Physical Data Product - NCube - Inline ddi:physicaldataproduct_ncube_inline:3_1 physicaldataproduct_ncube_inline.xsd
Physical Data Product - NCube - Normal ddi:physicaldataproduct_ncube_normal:3_1 physicaldataproduct_ncube_normal.xsd
Physical Data Product - NCube - Tabular ddi:physicaldataproduct_ncube_tabular:3_1 physicaldataproduct_ncube_tabular.xsd
Physical Data Product - Proprietary ddi:physicaldataproduct_ncube_proprietary:3_1 physicaldataproduct_proprietary.xsd
Physical Instance ddi:physicalinstance:3_1 physicalinstance.xsd
Reusable ddi:reusable:3_1 reusable.xsd
Simple Dublic Core simpledc20021212.xsd
Study Unit ddi:studyunit:3_1 studyunit.xsd
XML xml.xsd

Note: There are some non-DDI modules in this package, to facilitate the use of XHTML and XML Schema. These are documented separately by their maintainers.