Specifies the type of summary statistic. Summary statistics are a single number representation of the characteristics of a set of values.
Value of the Code | Descriptive Term of the Code | Definition of the Code |
ArithmeticMean | Arithmetic mean (X) | Mathematical average of a set of values. The mean is calculated by adding up two or more values and dividing the total by their number. In social/political science, it is usually the sum of the measurements divided by the number of subjects, or cases. |
GeometricMean | Geometric mean | Average value of all data if extracting the nth root of the product of all (n) values. Rarely used in social sciences. |
HarmonicMean | Harmonic mean | Average value of all data if calculating the reciprocal of the arithmetic mean of the reciprocal of values. Rarely used in social sciences. |
TrimmedMean | Trimmed mean | The (arithmetic) mean calculated after discarding given parts of observations at the high and low end (e.g., interquartile mean when the lowest 25% and the highest 25% are discarded, and the mean of the remaining values is calculated). |
StandardErrorOfMean | Standard error of the mean | The Standard Error for the mean value. |
Mode | Mode (Mo) | The most frequently observed data value (Statistics Canada). |
Median | Median (Mdn) | The values below which, and above which, half of the values in a distribution fall (50th percentile). |
ValidCases | Valid Cases | Cases with observations which are considered to be valid, i.e., providing substantial information and to be included for calculation. |
InvalidCases | Invalid cases | Cases which are considered/defined as "missing" (e.g., not ascertained, not applicable, etc.), usually excluded from calculation. |
Minimum | Minimum | The lowest valid value in a variable. |
Maximum | Maximum | The highest valid value in a variable. |
Range | Range | The range of valid values, i.e., all values that fall between the lowest and highest valid values. |
Sum | Sum | The sum or total of the values, across all valid cases. |
Variance | Variance (s2) | The variance is the mean square deviation of the variable around the average value. It reflects the dispersion of a frequency distribution around its mean (OECD Glossary of Statistics). |
StandardDeviation | Standard deviation (s) | The positive square root of the variance. The most widely used measure of dispersion of a frequency distribution. |
CoefficientOfVariation | Coefficient of variation (CV) | Standard deviation divided by the mean. |
AverageAbsoluteDeviation | Average absolute deviation (AAD) | The average of the absolute differences between each value and the overall mean. Measure of statistical dispersion around the mean, alternative to Standard Deviation. |
MedianAbsoluteDeviation | Median absolute deviation (MAD) | The median absolute deviation from the median. Measure of statistical dispersion around the median. |
FirstQuartile | First quartile | The first of three values which separate the total frequency of a distribution into four equal parts. |
Second Quartile | Second quartile | The second of three values which separate the total frequency of a distribution into four equal parts (= median). |
ThirdQuartile | Third quartile | The third of three values which separate the total frequency of a distribution into four equal parts. |
InterquartileRange | Interquartile range | The range between the first and third quartile values. |
FirstQuintile | First quintile | The first of four values which separate the total frequency of a distribution into five equal parts. |
SecondQuintile | Second quintile | The second of four values which separate the total frequency of a distribution into five equal parts. |
ThirdQuintile | Third quintile | The third of four values which separate the total frequency of a distribution into five equal parts. |
FourthQuintile | Fourth quintile | The fourth of four values which separate the total frequency of a distribution into five equal parts. |
InterquintileRange | Interquintile range | The range between the first and fourth quintile values. |
FirstDecile | First decile | The first of nine values which separate the total frequency of a distribution into ten equal parts. |
SecondDecile | Second decile | The second of nine values which separate the total frequency of a distribution into ten equal parts. |
ThirdDecile | Third decile | The third of nine values which separate the total frequency of a distribution into ten equal parts. |
FourthDecile | Fourth decile | The fourth of nine values which separate the total frequency of a distribution into ten equal parts. |
FifthDecile | Fifth decile | The fifth of nine values which separate the total frequency of a distribution into ten equal parts (= median). |
SixthDecile | Sixth decile | The sixth of nine values which separate the total frequency of a distribution into ten equal parts. |
SeventhDecile | Seventh decile | The seventh of nine values which separate the total frequency of a distribution into ten equal parts. |
EighthDecile | Eighth decile | The eighth of nine values which separate the total frequency of a distribution into ten equal parts. |
NinthDecile | Ninth decile | The ninth of nine values which separate the total frequency of a distribution into ten equal parts. |
InterdecileRange | Interdecile range | The range between the first and ninth decile values. |
OtherPercentile | Other percentile | A percentile not covered by any of the other percentile terms. |
Beta1 | Skewness | A measure for the asymmetry of a probability distribution of a variable. |
Beta2 | Kurtosis | A measure for the "peakedness" of a probability distribution of a variable. |
ShapiroWilk | Shapiro-Wilk | Normality test statistics. |
Other | Other | Use if the summary statistic type is known, but not found in the list. |
If using "Other", specify the value in the OtherValue attribute of the appropriate element.
Module Name | Element Name |
physicalinstance | SummaryStatisticType |
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